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Profile for billfelty3

Member Name: billfelty3
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Bad Theater Behavior
 Mar 16 2014, 12:43:36 PM
i think the theaters themselves perpetuate part of the behavior. big signs indicating EVERY SNACK AND DRINK WE SELL MAY BE TAKEN TO YOUR SEAT! including peanut M&Ms and those blasted plastic cups with ice that people rattle constantly. i long for the days when they stop selling refreshments and install cell phone blockers.
Reasons why actors dont get jobs
 Sep 17 2013, 02:28:04 PM
her profile states: I am a BFA- Musical Theatre student studying at East Carolina University
Reasons why actors dont get jobs
 Sep 17 2013, 02:14:52 PM
i guess i should provide my 2 cents on the OP's question: the actors on here may provide some different insights than me, but i do a lot of casting and i try to help actors realize that a good portion of the time, an actor not getting a job is out of their control. i always say at every audition that the "best" actor probably won't be cast. it's often that the director or producer has a vision and the actor is simply the wrong "type" (too old, too young, too tall, voice too high, or a hundred
Reasons why actors dont get jobs
 Sep 17 2013, 02:04:28 PM
sorry - i didn't mean to be mean by accusing people of being mean it's just that the original poster is an undergraduate student making her first post asking for advice and hoped we'd be a bit more welcoming (not offering grammatical suggestions about her post). i have a master's degree and my punctuation and sentence structure on these boards are atrocious - as you can tell). welcome to the OP! and to everyone else have a great day. again, sorry if *I* spoke out of turn.
Reasons why actors dont get jobs
 Sep 17 2013, 01:45:24 PM
jeez people. s/he is asking a simple question by posting to a message board - not writing his paper here. why do we always have to be so nasty on these boards?
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