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Profile for iluvmyguitar19

Member Name: iluvmyguitar19
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re: Listen to Wicked
 May 26 2005, 03:57:22 PM
Um thanks for all the advice

I bought the CD off the internet USED which meant they had to send it to me and there we complications, but the CD was cheap so it was kinda worth it. Anyway the order got messed up so I'm not getting the CD. You can all breathe a little easier.

I'm actually having my boyfriend burn it for me and for those of you that seem appalled by the fact that I would try to listen to a CD for free I'm truly sorry for the dreadful act on my part. I'm truly s

Listen to Wicked
 May 25 2005, 06:26:52 PM
Does anyone know where I can listen to the whole wicked tracks for free. My CD isn't comming for 6-8 weeks because I was too dumb to pick it up at the theater when I went with my group to see the show. A con of going with a middleschool band to broadway. Anyway doesn't anyone know where I can listen to the soundtrack.
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