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Engagement Proposal Advice - Moulin Rouge Feb 14
2020, 01:35:30 PM
The feedback as to whether this is a good idea or not is absolutely always welcomed. For example, having things done before or after the show (like backstage) being less inconvenient than during stage door is something I didn't think about. That's what I like to hear...constructive criticism. Something that actually helps out. I appreciate that. Good point on that one. Food for thoifhr for sure.
Also, I don't want anything extravagant. I'd propose to
Engagement Proposal Advice - Moulin Rouge Feb 14
2020, 10:43:32 AM
I'm at work but I wanted to chime in really quickly. I'll post more later.
I'm so sad that this has been the response I have gotten. You all completely misunderstood the spirit of the post and the intent and did nothing but make it as dramatic as possible and, for some reasons, 'guard' Aaron as if he's a poor defenseless human being that I am attacking.
First of all, whenever you find yourself in a situation of asking someone to take a
Engagement Proposal Advice - Moulin Rouge Feb 14
2020, 12:03:15 AM
Hi guys. Long time reader, first time poster.
I need advice on tying my proposal to a Broadway show. I know this is asked often, but trust me, it is never as important as when it is YOUR turn, so bare with me please.
I'll try and make it simple. I don't want to go up on stage. I don't want to go back stage even, necessarily. I was to propose during stage door after the show. My g/f and I are HUGE Moulin Rouge fans. We are going to travel to
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