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Unions Need to Relax Streaming Restrictions: Release the Archives
 Apr 9 2020, 10:24:19 PM

JBroadway said: "Boq101 said: "Theaters in New York are tenants why would they be in charge of streaming shows that paid rent to play there?"

I think the OP was mostly referring to non-profit theatre companies, some ofwhom archive their own shows and are in control of those archives (within union limitations). There are many of these non-profit companies in New Yorkwho own their own spaces. Your blanket statement implying that all theatres in

Unions Need to Relax Streaming Restrictions: Release the Archives
 Apr 9 2020, 09:20:32 PM

I don't think the Lincoln Center needs to be the one handling the streaming. Why couldn't the individual theatres handle it themselves? There are a number of platforms that could be used. A lot of theatres are turning to Vimeo on Demand. Some are doing Facebook Live. 

As far as the quality goes, I would not necessarily need commercial quality. It's amazing with technology today how good an archival recording can be with just 1-2 cameras. 

Unions Need to Relax Streaming Restrictions: Release the Archives
 Apr 9 2020, 08:11:53 PM

Is anyone else extremely frustrated seeing so much activity out of the UK with respect to streaming archival material? So many theatres film fairly high quality archival material of their shows that then just sits and collects dust. I know I have talked to several theatres in my area that I patronize and told them, "please consider putting your archival videos on a streaming platform. I would gladly pay for them." The response is always the same. Something to the effect of: &qu

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