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Playbill stopped publishing song lists?
 Apr 20 2020, 12:17:21 PM

Jarethan said: "I have to admit that I hate not having the song list in order, with the characters identified.

-- Shoot me, but I like to understand how many songs the leads have. If someone in the supporting cast has a greasing in Act 2, I like to see if they get another shot in Act 2


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-- When I look back, the inclusion of the song list frequently makes my memories of the performance more vividly. Even when I played the OCR for a good-not-great show a thousand times 40 years ago, I am surprised when I look at the Playbill today and remember 'oh, yeah, that song occurred when'. It enhances my memory of the show. (I do not think I am OCDbut, unless I have lost some in a move, I have aplaybill for every performance I have ever seen, with one exception. I saw a preview of Drat! The Cat!, which I loved, when they were only giving a leaflet, I assume because the preview seats were half-priced. I didn't keep it, figuring that I would get one in some future trip to the city...but it only lasted a week.

-- Frankly, when I am bored, I want to see how much more I have to suffer through before intermission, at which point (if it is really bad)I will probably leave. I have always thought that I did it quite unobtrusively.

To site a current example, I really do not listen to rock music (unless I am sitting in the car, while my wife drives, or am somewhere where music is being played (party, some restaurants, etc.). Because of that, I recognize and like many tuneswithout knowing their name. When I saw Moulin Rouge, which I LOVED, I recognized a number of songs (also did not recognize a lot, including Roxanne and the Act 2 show-stopping opener). Other than the one that has ga ga in the lyrics, I didn't know their titles or who wrote and / or performed them originally. I really would have liked to have that information, mainly to know who created the song which I enjoyed so much. I could have gotten on google the next day and problem solved. Didn't need all the snippets identified...everyone in the theatre knew most of them and they were gone so quickly that they represented an 'of the moment burst of fun'.


thanx for this

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