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Member Name: broadwaybaby86
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Little Mermaid
 Jul 26 2007, 11:22:47 PM
I want to go, but you know disney, tickets are so expensive these days. if you find discounts let me know
re: Rosie back on Stage!!!
 Jul 26 2007, 11:21:57 PM
r u kidding i never liked rosie o'donnel, i mean she is confident and that does help get you to broadway, but she really has no talent. remember a coupl years ago she sponsered some musical that was on broadway for,ummm, a MONTH? she knows nothing about the theatre world
re: GREY GARDENS Will Lose Its Entire Investment
 Jul 3 2007, 12:59:49 PM
Personally, I never liked it. It was tooo boring. And like you said, Grey Gardens was not a tourist show. Only the theatregoers go to see it, and that's not enough to keep a show going.
 Jul 3 2007, 12:58:28 PM
I knew about it, and i'm not sprised. It got to the tony's which was a pretty big feat for this show. It was boring and not interesting as others.
re: Is Parade a rock musical?
 Jul 2 2007, 10:38:01 PM
yeah, i pretty much have 2 agree. Rock musicals have like, rock-ish tunes. Rent, Godspell, Mama Mia I'd have to say as well, those are all rock some of them might be leading along the lines of pop-musicals if you know what i mean, but yeah.
re: Mamma Mia! Any Word On The Rights?
 Apr 30 2007, 10:07:16 PM
yeah i heard that, too. I wanna say no, because there hasn't been anything else on it, but don't quote me!!!!
re: which is better: the book? or the musical?
 Aug 3 2005, 07:38:58 PM
maybe i havent been looking hard enough, but i no the two books stores I go two (walden books and some small shop w/used books) do NOT have it in stock!
re: I saw All Shook Up!
 Aug 3 2005, 07:31:06 PM
i wish i could see all shook up- but i have to see SOOOOO many other shows first!
which is better: the book? or the musical?
 Aug 3 2005, 07:29:01 PM
i am one of the biggest wicked fans in connecticut. i know that the musical was based on the book- i have not seen the book, i just know it exsists, though i have been trying to get my paws on it for months!!! but, just out of curiosity, for those who HAVE read the book and have seen the musical, what do you like better and why?
What is ur all time fav. show?
 Jun 12 2005, 08:14:08 PM
I have seen so many!! I think my fav. would have 2 b Bye Bye Birdie, or Phantom.... so many shows!!!
re: Into the woods
 Jun 12 2005, 08:08:14 PM
OMG, totally. I wish I could have seen In2 the Woods on B.Way, but I was 2 busy w/ school and stuv. But I did see our Highschool production of it... OMG I LOVE INTO THE WOODS
re: Fiddler closing?
 Jun 12 2005, 08:06:28 PM
Oh, i no. I luv harvey. I met him when he was in Hairspray
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