The Official TDF Thread Nov 7
2017, 07:37:13 AM
The Radio City Christmas Show just popped up for a slew of dates... has anyone done this in previous years? Wondering where the seats generally are.
Miss Saigon - TDF Seating Sep 21
2017, 12:49:48 PM
Last night I was right orchestra, row L. Seats were perfect.
'CATS' seating (lottery and TDF) Sep 18
2017, 07:08:17 AM
TDF was front mezzanine - 3rd row on the right side. They were great seats and only missed a few seconds of action on the very far right of the stage every now and then.
The Official TDF Thread Sep 13
2017, 03:47:53 PM
I know they only just appeared last week but anybody buy/use Cats tickets through TDF yet? Interested to know where the seats have been...
The Official TDF Thread Sep 5
2017, 04:31:46 PM
Has anybody gotten A Doll's House with the new cast? Where have the seats been?
Carols for a Cure CD Nov 17
2010, 10:00:42 PM
It's good. It's not my favorite in the series but there's some good ones on both CD's. Just go to a different theatre after you see your show. ELF isn't selling them but we walked up the street and NEXT TO NORMAL was selling them at the exit (the side doors with the faces on them).
ELF Thoughts??? Nov 14
2010, 12:02:45 PM
I saw it on Friday night and it was as entertaining as I expected it to be. The production itself wasn't really worth the $200 I spent for my wife and I to see it but because we're big fans of the movie and pretty much every member of the Broadway cast we walked away very content. But I couldn't help but think throughout the entire show that the high school in my town could put on an equally impressive performance. As someone who goes to Broadway and off-Broadway shows frequently, I fee
Promises rush? Oct 27
2010, 11:03:42 AM
Sorry to bump this up but I haven't seen any updates since September. Would I need to get there when the box office opens for a Friday night performance? I'm hoping to try in November and was wondering if I'd have to go into work late, or if it would be possible to go around noon-1ish and still get student rush tickets?
2009, 07:05:51 AM
I haven't seen it posted on the board yet but if anybody misses this as much as I do they'll be happy to know that it's coming to the Westchester Broadway Theatre next February.
re: GOD OF CARNAGE First Preview Mar 4
2009, 04:48:48 PM
Has anybody asked about student rush yet?
re: Phantom still in good shape Feb 11
2009, 01:03:20 PM
justafan, my guess is that Elizabeth Loyacano was supposed to go on the night you saw it, but for some reason she was unavailable so Marni Raab played the role. But because the Playbill says that Loyacano plays the role of Christine on those nights, Raab was technically an understudy because according to the Playbill she is not supposed to be playing the role. Hence the understudy sheet.
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 2/8 Feb 9
2009, 09:54:27 PM
George I saw PHANTOM on Saturday and while the sound system may be new, whoever was operating the mics was awful. Whenever more than two people were singing at the same time (Notes/Prima Donna/Masquerade) at least half of their mics were off. I was lucky I was sitting in the sixth row because if I was any further back I don't think I'd be able to hear them. It has always been one of my favorite shows and the cast is very good right now but the problem with the mics was a distraction the entire p
re: New Playbills for Season 2008-2009! Feb 5
2009, 06:14:19 AM
Did Playbill ever post the cover for Soul of Shaolin? I remember seeing it on the home page on opening night but have not been able to find it since.
re: God of Carnage Feb 4
2009, 06:16:26 AM
Has anybody heard anything regarding Student Rush? I was expecting there would be discounts but I'm still crossing my fingers for rush.
re: When Does Szot Return Feb 2
2009, 08:03:51 PM He's back. He will step out again beginning on March 12 and will return April 12 (until, I believe, the fall).
re: When Does Szot Return Feb 2
2009, 02:57:25 PM
He's back. He was only out for a short time and will be leaving again in the middle of March. Someone stepping out of their show for only a month isn't usually covered aside from the original press release. Only extended absences like Harvey Fierstein's multi-year one from Hairspray are normally covered.
re: Has Anyone Seen A Show At The Westchester Broadway Theatre? Jan 23
2009, 07:29:02 AM
I've always enjoyed it. The food is nothing great but the performances are usually very good and the sets and costumes are usually pretty close to what you would get in the Broadway version.
re: The Hot Mikado Dec 6
2008, 07:58:48 AM
KirbyCat did you see the production at the Elmwood Playhouse in Nyack? I did about a month ago and thought it was fantastic. Great performances from the cast and a fun night overall.
re: Carols for a Cure Vol. 10 (2008)-review Oct 31
2008, 03:08:30 PM
Great CD as usual but I was disappointed that A Tale of Two Cities was so short and kinda random. I was expecting a better song to end the first CD. And if that is true I can't believe that they cut [title of show]'s song and kept the crappy Hanukah Song from The Wedding Singer. They could've at least picked a better song from that year, which had a ton of great songs.
re: In The Heights Rear Mezz Aug 26
2008, 07:29:06 AM
They're pretty decent. I sat in the second to last row of the theatre, dead center, and was able to see everything. I don't think it took anything away from the show at all.