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Member Name: WishfulThinker
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re: D.B.'s WICKED in Chicago review
 Aug 12 2005, 09:51:46 PM
Sorry! I'm new to this whole thing... Thanks for correcting me!
re: D.B.'s WICKED in Chicago review
 Aug 12 2005, 07:41:53 PM
I saw Wicked for the second time on Wednesday, August 10th and once again I fell in love with it. I saw the touring version when it was in Chicago and thought nothing could ever top it (except possibly a less spazzy Glinda), but I was wrong. The Chicago version is spectacular. I am already trying to find a way to go see it again, which might be difficult since I am going to Ireland for a few months, but I am determind to find a way. Kate was absolutely amazing, she was perfect for the role. It l
re: The most catchy broadway song ever...
 Jun 30 2005, 12:46:36 AM
I was originally thinking "Popular" from Wicked until I saw that someone had said "Seventy-Six Trombones" and it imediately started running through my head. That song stays in my head for days and days and days. I constantly find myself singing the words out loud, despite the fact that I don't know what comes after the coronet part.
re: Just back from Wicked in Chicago...
 Jun 29 2005, 11:18:35 PM
I can't wait to see it! It's nice to finally have Chicago get a little recognition.

Ebonic_Singer - where did you find sound clips of Ana as Elphaba? I'm dying to hear them!

re: Question about Wicked in Chicago
 Jun 28 2005, 10:59:36 PM
Has anyone heard anything else about the Chicago production? The suspense is killing me! Ok, yes, I am being a bit dramatic, but I am just curious. I'm surprised there haven't been any reviews besides the two from last Friday. Please let me know if you find or hear anything!

Also, I was looking for some sound or video clips from Wicked. I'm especially curious to hear what Kristy Cates sounds like since everyone seems to really like her. Thanks!

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