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Member Name: Broadwaybuff17
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COVID performance cancellation
 Apr 10 2022, 11:13:57 PM

This stuff never happened pre covid… what a mess

COVID performance cancellation
 Apr 10 2022, 11:00:46 PM

Did Aladdin on broadway cancel last night?

COVID performance cancellation
 Apr 7 2022, 07:33:02 PM

The responsible thing to do is just stop testing… this will never go away… treat it like the flu.. take a vaccine if you want or dont take it at all… You go to florida and nobody cares if you get covid… this headline is getting old already. STOP TESTING… someone’s health is a private matter… i dont care nor should i know if a virus is lurking in someones body.

Broadway Discounts
 Jan 4 2022, 06:59:21 PM

Looks like wicked and lion king have a promo code starting 1/18 on ticketmaster… anyone know the code?

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 26 2021, 09:14:36 PM

Theyll probably end up canceling the show 1 min before it starts… ROFL

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 26 2021, 01:04:55 PM

Wicked has some reasonably cheap tickets on stubhub for todays matinee.

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 19 2021, 07:44:45 PM

8787 said: "Broadway performer here who almost never comments on these boards but MUST chime in regarding this. To say unvaccinated people “shouldn’t be a part of the equation” is quite possibly one of the most reckless and ignorant things you could say. I have a baby at home who CANT be vaxxed because they are too young. The “equation” is much bigger than us doing a show for you. Many of us have families that we come home to after performing. To suggest

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 19 2021, 07:07:10 PM

Also lets not forget… these are the same broadway houses pre-covid , who wouldnt cancel a show if there was 1 foot of snow on the ground.  They dont care about the patrons, all comes down to $$.  Im sure NYS is funding all these closures or else they wouldnt willfully just shut things down like this.

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 19 2021, 07:01:12 PM

Sutton Ross said: "People are still dying of Covid. Daily."< M

majority non vaccinated.. they made their choice.

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 19 2021, 06:06:23 PM

BroadwayGirl107 said: "Okay, I’ll be that asshole. Unless I’m massively misinformed it sounds like vaccinated folks who’ve contracted omicron are asymptomatic or experience it as a minor cold. Everyone on Broadway HAS to be vaccinated to enter the theater—actors, crew, FOH, audience. If that’s the case, why all the cancellations for something that’s basically a common cold? Have any of these folks actually gotten sick?"


COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 19 2021, 11:30:07 AM

unclevictor said: "More cancellations to come - it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone anymore. My guess is bway will shut down for a lil bit (maybe a month or 2) for the Covid cases to drop and then reopen in the early spring"

Nobody cares about covid anymore… the covid today is not the same covid of 2 yrs ago… please move on and stop wishing upon peoples lives to be ruined bc of closures. You can stay home.

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 18 2021, 04:31:48 PM

Nobody assymptomatic is gonna willfully quarantine for 10 days unless they test again..Stop fooling yourself.

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 18 2021, 04:19:15 PM

You have the same person who tests positive on a monday  probably testing himself 3 or more times before being negative.  Numbers are all a scare tactic.. Let me know the number of people who are actually positive.. not the number of tests.

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 18 2021, 03:54:12 PM

What am I being ignorant about… you really think you’re going to evade this disease? Your gonna live in fear everywhere you go? Reality check… everyone will get covid.. anyone that goes anywhere knows the risks… fyi, football is basically throwing out the testing protocol for vaccinated players… i know broadway isnt a pioneer in anything they do, but they eventually will too.

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 18 2021, 03:46:08 PM

So can your bartender and waiter… last time i checked , nobody cares if theyve been tested!! But all of a sudden being masked at a theater with a fully vaccinated crowd… people running for the hills.. Pathetic

COVID performance cancellations
 Dec 18 2021, 03:09:41 PM

Stop testing… whats the point… if you have no symptoms, why are they testing?  Were two years into this thing…. This crazy testing protocol is just causing depression for the whole theater community.. End the madness.. this is RIDICULOUS!! On top of that losing future customers bc you can’t communicate to guests that the show is canceled until after they’ve already been seated.  Really hope at this point broadway just goes digital… people are

Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
 Oct 2 2021, 10:40:42 AM

I actually dont care about Trump... so i know people like you are secretly obsessed with him, but that can’t be your rebuttle to everyone that doesn’t agree with you. Eventually in a totally vaccinated crowd, even if the performer is assymptomatic and tested positive for covid i dont see anything wrong with them performing. WE NEED TO MOVE ON!!! If your vaccinated you should no longer call it covid and start calling it a cold... As far as infecting an unvaccinated person... either

Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
 Oct 2 2021, 09:14:23 AM
Got it! So your in the camp that’s just gonna be scared the rest of your life, or until cnn tells you basically what im saying now , at a later point in time to make it all ok.
Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
 Oct 2 2021, 09:01:55 AM
Listen... At this point, if you are vaccinated why are you scared of covid? FYI I am fully vaccinated... If you are still scared of attending a room with a fully vaccinated crowd, then why is everyone obsessed with unvaccinated people getting vaxxed? What difference does it make to you if someone else is unvaxxed? I got vaxxed knowing that if im in a room with someone that has covid, who was also vaxxed, the chances of anything bad happening to me are slim to none... my argument is that at some
Tonight's performance of ALADDIN cancelled due to breakthrough COVID cases
 Oct 2 2021, 07:14:14 AM

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