Hadestown Understudies Dec 29
2021, 11:30:27 PM
hey guys! do u know if any of the leads, particularly eva or andre are going to be out tomorrow? my friend is seeing the show for the first time tomorrow and she's just wondering.
Hadestown Understudies Dec 7
2021, 11:11:15 PM
I was scrolling through Reddit and found a user who messaged Lana on social media. Where she responded by saying she would likely be on for Tuesday's and Sunday's. Idk if this answers your question but I thought it may be useful.
Hadestown Understudies Dec 5
2021, 08:43:03 PM
I know that Lana was on today, but I have not kept track of when she is usually on. I would say look out for her insta stories because often will post about when they see a performance with her, and she always reposts it.,
Hadestown Understudies Nov 30
2021, 07:09:33 PM
Hey I noticed that no one has posted on the message board lately.. Does anyone know of any understudies that will be on for December 10th? I'm heading to NYC for my birthday and I'm so excited to see the show finally :)
Hadestown Understudies Oct 29
2021, 05:29:51 PM
AndreyIsntHere said: "I was so curious about Trent! If anyone has info about who he's alting as and when, I'd love to know it. I'm missing Lana's first performance but assuming she's performing on Tuesdays, she'll be in when Patrick Page returns (unless she switches with Amber specifically for Patrick's re-debut or something weird like that), and I'm seeing his return. But I'd love to try to catch Trent's first performance!"