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In the theatre
 Oct 26 2005, 12:27:11 PM
Yes you did spot James Lomas sat in the stalls last night. He was taking in the small changes that have been made over the last 5 weeks.
He saw the new ballet girls yesterday and said they were very sweet.

 Oct 20 2005, 07:07:27 PM
Hope you are going to post the answers Hokey!
They were very good questions.x

 Oct 19 2005, 04:20:24 PM

ballet girls names
 Oct 19 2005, 02:57:32 PM
The Team Names are all of closed pits

Easington: Was in County Durham it closed in 1994.

Markham: was in Derbyshire it closed in 1993.

Orgreave: was in Yorkshire it closed in 1990.
June 1984 saw the worst scenes of violence between the miners and the police, at Orgreave. Arthur Scargil ended up in Rotheram hospital.

The Ballet girls team names have now been changed.
Diddington, Ashington, and Beddington.

 Oct 13 2005, 07:58:26 PM
Well thank God for that!!!!!
Tim Healy
 Oct 8 2005, 11:38:00 AM
I agree with Rodger. Joe caffrey is a fantastic actor. he gives 100% ever time. Outside the theatre he is such a happy nice bloke. You never see him any differant. Also Tim Heally is amazing! If you can steel yourself away from watching Billy, his expressions are fantastic.
I loved it when he introduced " I didnt know son" at the end of Electricity. He says it with such feeling. Other times I can laugh just looking at him. He too is a very nice bloke very down to earth, and always supportive

 Oct 6 2005, 05:21:06 AM
The original Billys actually set the dances. Which is why it took so long to get right. Beinspired is correct in that a lot that was tried wasnt actually used. Now who ever follows just learns the set routines. The kids that are short listed learn them from the start, as part of the audition process.
The New CD
 Oct 5 2005, 06:02:03 PM
Dont let him fool you into repying.Its another wind up. As yet no final decision has been made. The only person that knows is Martin koch! and Stephen! Believe me I know.
The 'little boy'
 Sep 21 2005, 06:32:28 PM
Wow you really have a problem about james! now you dont want him to have a picture in the program. Well whether you like it or not James will always be know as first cast and will be special in thousands of peoples hearts. He did beat off 3,000 other boys.
when you are hanging around the theatre go have a chat to Stephen daldry about your feelings on james. Only watch out!

i cant understand why anyone would take you serious any way. has everyone read all his posts? he is a green

 Sep 19 2005, 11:13:16 PM
Who is this imposter that writes things on peoples behalf! obviously somebody that wishes he knew more! tough!
Liam will find this remark about james most upsetting. James is incredable! As all the loyal fans know. What a terrible thing to say just as he finishes. i hope you read your PM!

As for replying to fan mail, yes it is screened. That does not stop them replying! It does often take time as they get such a lot.

george tired?
 Sep 2 2005, 03:41:57 AM
The picture was taken early on in rehersals. The boys were asked to pose like that. I think they look like cool dudes! you are probably used to seeing George with a big grin!
stage door
 Aug 29 2005, 06:28:47 PM
The cast come out really quickly, so if you want an autograph be quick! The cast are really quite good a giving autographs and saying hello. You might get a picture too if you have your camera!
back flip
 Aug 28 2005, 10:04:58 AM
Do you mean the run up the wall? James does this at the end of Electricity. George has also started doing it too. They both do back flips in it as well.
 Aug 27 2005, 05:00:01 AM
"Just because we are a boxing club doesnt mean were a bunch of Palastines! (ancient country)

and Billys Dad answers

"Philistine" (uncultured,common place)

Day Seats
 Aug 24 2005, 01:02:58 PM
The 17th of Sept I am told was booked by a company a long time before they realised it would be James and Ashleys last night. Go on the 16th If you cant get tickets, and give them another fantastic night from all their fans!
WEP & Cast Change
 Aug 18 2005, 09:55:07 AM
James and Ash, are on 16th as well. I am sure they are also on 14th & 15th ! so get your tickets!
 Aug 16 2005, 07:17:38 PM
Apparently they will record all three boys, then choose from the final recordings. I wish they could put on all three boys. That would be more fair,but I cant see it happening. I also hope all the tap sounds are on. You could close your eyes and think you were stll there!
Ticket warning
 Aug 15 2005, 06:05:58 AM
Just thought I should post a warning when buying tickets outside the theatre. On Sat matinee someone was stood outside Victoria Palace Shouting tickets for today. Someone bought them and it turned out they were for Saturday night fever across the road! What a con man. Always check them first before parting with your money.
2 Billys on one night
 Aug 14 2005, 03:14:04 PM
Liam is fine. he is taking a couple of well earned days off. These kids stil have to go to school as well as reherse,and do ballet and gym lessons. It is very tiring. Even the adults get breaks now and again. I have posted a photo to westendpro of some of the kids.I hope he can put it on.It was taken this week, so you can see liam is fine. Doesnt Joe look fab! Whenever you see him he is always happy. What a nice bloke.
2 Billys on one night
 Aug 13 2005, 06:13:58 PM
Saw the show today! I have to disagree with Alan Rodger I thought Gillian was brilliant! this is the first time I have seen Mrs Wilkinsons understudy.Her acting was superb.She seemed to play the charactor more down to earth. I was sat at the front for the first time. It was fantastic to see them close up! Tim Healys facial expressions are wonderful. You can hear all the little side cracks they make, which you cant see any where else. Joe who plays Billys brother is such a strong actor, outside
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