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Profile for scooter9

Member Name: scooter9
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Music Man Rush Line.
 Oct 5 2022, 11:01:20 PM

I was able to get a rush ticket to today’s matinee at 11:45 AM. So if you don’t get there super early, don’t give up hope! It was a great seat (Orchestra P) and the show was great as well. 

Broadway Discounts
 Sep 19 2022, 07:49:23 PM

I have a question about the TKTS app. Is the price listed for each show the price you pay, or is the discount on top of that? For example, tonight's Death of a Salesman is showing $77-92 and 50% off. Are the tickets at the booth $77-92 or $39-46? I'm trying to see if the best prices (non-lottery or rush) are available through the TKTS booth or just buying the cheapest available balcony tickets online.

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