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Member Name: jayd_ml
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Music Man Rush Line.
 Oct 12 2022, 01:25:42 PM

jo said: "Hey, It's Hugh Jackman's birthday today (Oct 12) so it should be a bit special today.

Variety even had a special article to greet him on his birthday!

I didn't know that -- that's awesome! Thanks for giving me a lil something extra to look forward to!

Music Man Rush Line.
 Oct 12 2022, 11:09:46 AM

Got in line for today's rush (double-show Wednesday) around 8:30am. Had about 25-30 people in line ahead of me and about 45 after when I left. I ended up with 2 partial-view box tickets that I'm hoping aren't painfully obstructed, but I'm keeping my expectations low after seeing pictures from A View From My Seat. Either way, I'm happy I even got tickets, considering how nervous I was rolling up to an already-long line.

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