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Member Name: ga_bu
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KPOP Sets December 11 Closing Date on Broadway
 Dec 8 2022, 10:49:40 AM

quizking101 said: "Last night was absolutely wonderful. The theatre was completely full to standing room and you could FEEL the love in that room. There was even a brief stopdown during RTMIS’ final number (not sure what happened since everything looked like it was going okay). From that point forward, it was a screaming, cheering madhouse. When F8 performed, the applause quite literally moved them all to tears, including Timothy Lee, who was on as Timmy X (and I think it was his debut in the role).

Kevin Woo made a heartfelt curtain call speech - here’s the video:

I was there, too! Amazing energy and the first time I've seen the show with a full house (and SRO along the rails)! Such a shame that it took a closing notice for people to show up for this cast; many of them were moved to tears by the thunderous applause and standing ovations (plus obviously the impending closing). I'll be there to see the show off on closing night and may shed a tear or two as well for this talented, hardworking group.

The RTMIS stop during "Gin & Tonic" was abrupt; Min almost tripped because the stage didn't fully extend out like it was supposed to. Seems like the stage has been giving them issues since previews.

K-POP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Nov 20 2022, 06:57:48 PM

suzycat said: "I’m guessing everything was booked for tonight & would have been expensive to cancel. Perhaps just the review date has been pushed back?"

Yeah, that was my guess. Things were already booked for tonight, and they pushed back the opening date so last-minute that there was no time (or money?) to reschedule. According to the BWW report:

"KPOP, the new Broadway musical, celebrates its opening tonight, November 20. KPOP is the first

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