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Profile for fonlik

Member Name: fonlik
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Music Man Rush Line. 11/16/22
 Nov 28 2022, 09:28:40 PM

Box K3-4, partial view. can't see like 25% rightmost of the stage

Music Man Rush Line. 11/16/22
 Nov 26 2022, 08:53:00 PM

I rushe yesterday (11/25), went there at 8.30 and I was 22th on the queue. The line doubled by 9.15am. Managed to got 2 tickets for 8pm performance in the box. I believed 4 people after me didn't get the 8pm tickets but got the 2pm one.

After the show, a man bid his hat at 50k for donation. But he gave 3 hats for the 3 highest people at 50k, 30k, and 25k. So total donation~100k.

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