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Profile for gretamusical1930

Member Name: gretamusical1930
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What to see on 4th of July?
 Jul 1 2024, 09:28:57 PM
Broadway Flash said: "Dark noon at st Ann’s warehouse"

Yeah that looks interesting, thanks for that!

What to see on 4th of July?
 Jul 1 2024, 02:36:49 PM

TaffyDavenport said: "2:00 p.m. Swan Lake at the Met.


That looks good. Thank you!

What to see on 4th of July?
 Jul 1 2024, 12:28:51 PM

Hi All,

I'm gonna be in NYC this holiday weekend. I'm aware that most of Broadway shows will not be open 7/4 (except for Merrily which I've already seen) I'm only gonna be in town for only 3 days so I don't want this slot to be wasted. So I'd really appreciate any recommendation for any show that's open on that day; matinee, evening, off-Broadway, concert, etc. all work for me. Thank you very much and have a nice day!

Michael R. Jackson & Anna K. Jacobs' TEETH Musical at Playwrights Horizons (Winter 2024)
 Mar 12 2024, 10:44:17 AM

bellelinus said: "gretamusical1930 said: "Has anybody tried the rush line? What'sit like and how early should I get there?"

Last Tuesday I got to the box office at 3 (it would open at 4 for rush) and was second in line. By 3;30 there were two others behind me, but then we were told that the performance that night was canceled so i don't know how many of us (if any) would have gotten tickets. But just a data point in terms of when people might sho

Michael R. Jackson & Anna K. Jacobs' TEETH Musical at Playwrights Horizons (Winter 2024)
 Mar 11 2024, 01:29:19 PM

Has anybody tried the rush line? What's it like and how early should I get there?

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