Back To The Future previews Jul 31
2023, 04:23:50 PM
RaisedOnMusicals said: "So I don't think I'm seeing this until late September, but the comments in this thread of those who have seen it seem to boil down, for the most part, into two categories. The first consists of those who absolutely loved it, full stop. The second are those who have issues with elements of the show, primarily the score, point out their criticisms but at the end say that they found it incredibly entertaining in spite of their criticisms. M
Back To The Future previews Jul 13
2023, 11:13:58 AM
I've already said upthread that I didn't like the show - admittedly a lot of that is because the movie is incredibly dear to my heart and I feel like they ruined it. But also, I never really understand why people get enamored of special effects.
Obviously special effects require their own type of artistry and skill, and hats off to the people who can do it well. But to me they're secondary to the artistry and skill of the music and lyrics and book, and good special effe
Back To The Future previews Jul 8
2023, 01:02:38 PM
Popular said: "Huge fan of the movie (trilogy) & really hoping to get a chance to see the show towards the end of the year.
Just an observation that, unless I missed something, I have not read one comment about the Biff character. Is it written pretty true to the movie?"
Yes - and the actor playing him was decent. He has one song (with his henchmen) which is unmemorable like the rest.
Back To The Future previews Jul 7
2023, 10:58:19 AM
Back to the Future is my all-time favorite movie. I'm also a veteran NYC theatergoer. What happens when these two interests collide...?
I saw it last night and it was not good. It seemed like a parody of a screen-to-stage musical. If the TV show "30 Rock" had an episode that included excerpts from an imaginary Back to the Future musical, this is what it would be like.
The best thing about it was Hugh Coles, who does a dead-on recreation of Crispin Glover's movi
Walking Out at Intermission - The Thread May 19
2023, 10:25:13 AM
I've walked out of two Off-Broadway shows at intermission. Most recently was CORNELIA STREET a few months ago. I also walked out SLUT: A MUSICAL a very long time ago ( It was the song about the H.M.S. Donkeyballs that did it for me.
I nearly walked out of Rock of Ages on Broadway because it was too loud.
But usually I feel like if I've made it halfway through a show (or usually more than halfway, as first acts are usually longer than second acts), I can make it to the end.
(I also left Parsifal at the Metropolitan Opera during the first intermission. The first act was 2 hours. It seemed like a good idea when I bought the ticket!)
Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway Mar 30
2023, 10:13:18 AM
pethian said: "Rakesh Natarajan said: "Sorkin talked about how he wanted this production to take place in England during the late 15th century. ."
Which is strange, because I saw it last night and it mentions Voltaire several times (18th century).
2023, 11:43:27 AM
The Distinctive Baritone said: "Yeah, it is kind of a one-joke play, but it's only like 80 minutes long
Just BTW this production is about 95 minutes.
2023, 11:20:29 AM
I saw this on Sunday knowing very little about the show beyond the premise, and... I thought it was fine? The performances were very funny, although I thought Katie Finneran was a bit too monotonously high-strung and one-note - and I usually love her onstage.
I'm not sure who the play is for, though. It basically makes fun of political correctness - but hasn't that concept been done to death? Is there anyone who's really as extremely politically correct in real life as