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Member Name: marknyc2
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HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jun 19 2023, 10:54:26 AM

wish i were here2 said: "I was at First Preview (in the back mezz) and I am Filipino as well. Even though there is a fun disco mix at the end, you don't leave the show feeling remorse or compassion towards the Marcos', you rather you leave sort of angry remembering all and realizing they got away without getting any prosecution.They do mention how the Marcos' son is back in office in the Philippines, which did make some people around me feel a bit uneasy.

The s

HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jun 19 2023, 02:18:26 AM

This production has been around for ten years and there are two albums of the show’s score, including the comprehensive Off-Broadway recording. Do your own research if you want, but it seems like you’ve already made up your mind about the show and no one here is going to sway you."

I've done research, but don't want to support the CD or the show, so I was asking here how much it portrays them in a positive light. And it's my Filipino boyfriend who

HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jun 19 2023, 01:00:57 AM

I do think the show is geared more toward non-Filipino audiences who don’t know the history and atrocities of these people

That's exactly the problem - it's presenting these despots as "fun" to a white audience. Just saying that it's an anti-Marcos show doesn't address the damage done if they are portrayed sympathetically. Are they?


HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jun 19 2023, 12:11:37 AM

HogansHero said: "Mark,

I was really referring mostly to the producers who have invested in the show and raised money from other Filipinos. He may know one or more of them, or know of them. You might also have a look at the reviews of the original production. It would not surprise me if there was some coverage of that production (and others) from within the community. At the end of the day, your bf is going to have to make an assessment.

There are 44 mill

HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jun 18 2023, 10:42:22 PM

I know many Filipinos are involved, but that does not mean the show does not gloss over what happened. They need the work, so I don't expect them to demand historical accuracy.

"But that said it is a disco musical and the encore song at least at the public was still a fun one"

That's exactly what he's concerned about.

HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jun 18 2023, 08:35:39 PM

Also that it’s really for (white) people who don’t know the history who can enjoy the first half without knowing how horrible they become and written by a white man.

That's what he's worried about - a "fun" musical about two horrible despots. Do you leave the show with a good idea of how awful they were?

HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jun 18 2023, 06:30:41 PM

My Filipino boyfriend, who suffered under the horribly oppressive Marcos regime, refuses to see any show that "humanizes" them, as Evita did. Can anyone who's seen the show (in any version) tell me if it presents them as the awful people they actually were?

 Jun 2 2023, 01:46:49 PM

uncageg said: " Really upset I missed the talk back but hope there will be another one."

I love talkbacks and always stay for them. But I was so tired and angry after seeing this, that I left as soon as possible.

First, the only reason I went was to see Laurie - she was star-billed, when in fact she had a smallish part that gave her little to do.

Second, I waited for the entire play for all the confusion to make sense - somethi

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