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Profile for Kegholio

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Member Name: Kegholio
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re: The Lion King Character Game!
 Dec 8 2005, 05:09:04 PM
Zazu 79
Timon 44 +
Mufasa 7 -

Rent Attendance Anecdotes
 Nov 28 2005, 10:57:10 PM
Yeah, here i got to see the movie in my hometown this weekend which is Waco, TX (just a few short miles from President Bush's ranch - can't get more red than that folks). The audience was strange...not a full house, but more people than i would have imagined. You could tell who the theater people were because we laughed at everything and clapped quietly after every song. Also, there may have been a few 'yays' thrown in for good measure. I didn't hear one person leave saying anything ba
re: I'm in SF! Anyone else trying the lottery this week?
 Aug 31 2005, 04:31:06 AM
Goodluck to ya!
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