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Member Name: snl89
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Is Elsie Fest no more?
 Jul 29 2018, 12:16:54 PM

ChildofEarth said: "I’m going out on a limb to say Darren Criss probably doesn’t care about the theater world now that he’s seen real TV money.

Just a hunch.

He's never given any indication at all that that's the case, and in fact he's mentioned a few times recently that he really loves composing musicals and wants to get back to it, and that's in his plans for the next 5 years or so. So it definitely does not seem like h

FOX doing RENT Live
 May 13 2017, 01:38:56 AM

RippedMan said: "Darren Criss would be awful. Please don't get cookie cutter glee kids to play these characters. Ugh. Same with Platt. Boring."

While I love Darren and think he's extremely talented, I'd tend to agree that there's not really a role in RENT I can see him fitting, but in general I do take issue with how much hate anyone associate with Glee tends to get on these boards haha. Say what you will of the show itself (even I, as someone for who

FOX doing RENT Live
 May 12 2017, 06:03:08 PM


Okay, I don't even care if she's now a little on the oldish side to be playing her- I highkey need me some Naya Rivera as Mimi in my life! I've been wanting to hear her do Out Tonight since at least Season 2 of Glee haha. Pleeease Fox make it happen!

Also a hard YES on Ben Platt as Mark :) 

Dream Hedwigs
 Apr 7 2017, 01:52:11 PM

I know this is a really random thread bump haha, but:

I happened to come across a youtube video yesterday of Darren Criss talking with the Speech and Debate cast after their BroadwayCon panel, and Austin McKenzie mentioned that he would like to play Hedwig, and now I can't stop thinking about how fantastic he could be as Hedwig! 

I'd give it a few years since he still looks like a baby, but if there is still some production of the show going on in maybe 5-10 years,

Dear Evan Hansen issue...
 Mar 1 2017, 03:19:32 PM

3NU said: "For one, I think Evan was influenced by (and acted out of) fear more than anything else in responding to the Murphys the way he did initially (once again drawing on the "sun" theme here)."

I completely see your point on this one, 3NU- I think it is totally fair to say that his initial reaction was one of fear of having to tell the Murphys something that would upset them even more. 

But I'm curious, what is your take o

Dear Evan Hansen issue...
 Mar 1 2017, 12:19:27 AM

pupscotch said: "Most of this is a spoiler so I'm just going to leave it all in spoiler alert :)


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My main qualm with the book is the Zoe/Evan relationship. I think that if that hadn't happened, I'd have felt a lot more sympathy with him throughout because then he&
Dear Evan Hansen issue...
 Feb 28 2017, 09:36:49 PM

3NU said: "This is a really fascinating discussion, and it's interesting that people are coming away with so many different interpretations.

Here's my take on it:


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I think the crux of DEH lies in "Words Fail":

I guess I thou

Dear Evan Hansen issue...
 Feb 28 2017, 08:52:17 PM

"Thanks for the thoughtful engagement, snl89. I agree with everything you say about the role of mental health in Evan's decisions, and I think the show and Ben Platt in particular go into overdrive to make sure this point is hammered home. And good for them; I can't remember a more honest portrayal of anxiety in musical theater.

For me, though, the immorality is all contained in the ending. Evan apologizes and actually admits himself in "Words Fail&q

Dear Evan Hansen issue...
 Feb 28 2017, 01:08:18 AM

"Let me second jonlow09. While it was an enjoyable night of theater and Ben Platt's performance was breathtaking, the show itself is probably the most profoundly immoral show I've seen in a very long time. Frankly, Evan acts like a sociopath: he lies to a grieving family and uses a girl's dead brother to seduce her. The (admittedly super uplifting) songs hide what is truly psychopathic behavior.

Then, at the end of the show, not only does Evan&nb

Musicals for Auli'l
 Feb 27 2017, 12:24:49 PM

When she's a little bit older, she'll be the PERFECT Eliza in Hamilton  

I'm already set on the idea of her being Eliza in the inevitable Hamilton movie circa 2025 or thereabouts, but I'd also kill to see her do it live :) 

Disney's Moana (2016)
 Dec 4 2016, 12:16:20 AM

"I love this interview! I think it's time to dreamcast Auli'i. " 

Not right now, but I've already got Auli'i dreamcasted for Eliza in Hamilton in about 8-10 years! And hey, maybe by that time there'll be firmer plans for a movie, so if she were to end up being the movie Eliza, that would be amazing as well! 

The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
 Nov 29 2016, 08:58:35 PM

"I hope they go with people who can actually SING. Daniela is such a great part and requires powerhouse vocals for Carnival "

In general I'm always very much an "acting chops are more important than straight singing chops" kind of person, but I will say that for Daniela, my dream would be for Sara Ramirez to play her because Sara absolutely KILLING Carnaval del Barrio would be way too heavenly *___* 

Disney's Moana (2016)
 Nov 18 2016, 10:57:02 PM

Everything is actually up on youtube (DisneyMusicVEVO), so you can always check out the demos and outtakes to make sure you like them, but yep, I for one love them! Then again, even though it may not technically be the best, Lin's voice on demos is always really cute and endearing to me :) He's just so into it and animated! 

"Unstoppable" and "More" are definitely my favorites of the outtakes, and More is sung beautifully by a Heights alum, Marcy H

Disney's Moana (2016)
 Nov 18 2016, 07:57:19 PM

I've been listening to the soundtrack all day, and it is so delightful! <3

All the songs are fantastic, though my only critique would be that some of them feel a bit short, both in the sense that I feel like they could be even more powerful if they had a little more time to let the music breath, and that I just wanted to hear more of them! 

It's most noticeable in How Far I'll Go I think; there's one spot in particular, right after the first chorus, where

Hamilton: The Mixtape (Remixes, Covers & Others)
 Nov 10 2016, 08:13:33 PM

Daaaang, Immigrants just gave me some MAJOR chills, especially having literally just read Trump's insane plan for mass deportations direct from his website.

I just think it's really, really awesome that Hamilton is not just an amazing show in itself, but it's also inspiring other amazing, incredibly topical art. I don't think it's inaccurate to say that Lin and the show have inspired a bit of a resurgence of the kind of meaningful, politics-r

Show tunes or lines that describe the election
 Nov 9 2016, 11:35:00 PM

There are a LOT of Hamilton lines that could probably apply, but the ones I've thought of most today are from cut songs: 

- Pretty much the entirety of of the cut rap in The Adams Administration, but especially "an open letter to the fat, arrogant, anti-charismatic national embarrassment known as President [Donald Trump]"... yep  

- "Congratulations. You have invented a new kind of stupid. A damage you can never undo kind of stupid. An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid. A 'clearly you didn't think this through' kind of stupid." Yeeeeep. *sigh*

Is Score of Hamilton Better in Context of the Show?
 Sep 9 2016, 07:29:57 PM

Out of curiosity, EvanstonDad, did you hear the full cast recording, or just part of it? 

I haven't seen the show live yet myself, but I will say that when I first started listening to the cast recording, I didn't *dislike* it but I didn't necessarily expect to adore it as much as I do now either. I think when I first started listening to Act 1, I thought it was catchy and nice, but wasn't really taking in a ton of the lyrics on those first few listens. <

Which cast recording are you currently listening to on repeat?
 Jul 26 2016, 09:25:50 PM

I've pretty much been switching off between Hamilton, The Color Purple and Waitress these days :) 

Hamilton has pretty much been my absolute go-to since I first got it in September, but after this many months now I do sometimes need to switch it up a bit haha. I still adore it to no end, but I adore it even more when I give myself little breaks from it. 

Waitress I just finally got last week and have been loving! It's such a fun/beautiful score- I

Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
 Jul 15 2016, 09:54:40 PM

I didn't even read through the article yet really, but I just saw Daveed's name and Jacob Tremblay's name and THAT MAKES ME SO EXCITED!!  

Jacob Tremblay gave one of the best performances from a child actor I've ever seen in Room (plus, yep, he's friggin adorable too), and obviously Daveed's got talent and charisma out the wazoo, so I just started spazzing a bit haha. 

Okay, now I'll go and actually read to find out what the movie is going to be about :P

Edit: Ahhh, yes, I've definitely heard of Wonder- I see that book all over the place! And directed by Stephen Chbosky, who did a brilliant job with Perks of Being a Wallflower? Yeeeees. 

HAIRSPRAY is next NBC Musical...
 Jul 11 2016, 11:42:36 PM

Granted I love Darren so I'm biased, but I actually do wish he was doing *more* these days! He's doing smaller gigs here and there, but I think I was spoiled by him doing Hedwig right off the bat and now I feel like there are large spans of time where he's kind of under the radar and it makes me sad haha. 

So yeah, in any case I really don't see how his presence, social media or otherwise, is constant... and I would definitely love to see him as Link if it were pos

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