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Member Name: angelfoodkate
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re: The Official 'brag about your best roles' Thread :-)
 Dec 6 2006, 10:37:14 AM
haha. thanks; gumbo makes me hungry too. :P
re: RENT quotes
 Jan 26 2006, 04:38:34 PM
from the movie i enjoyed merry christmas bitches a LOT. from the stage show "so let her be a lesbian...there are other fishies in the sea!"
ohh and "I was a boyscout once...and a brownie; until some brat got scared!"

re: Beauty and the Beast or Lion King?
 Jan 26 2006, 04:33:04 PM
Beauty and the Beast. hands down.
re: Currently Listening to?
 Dec 28 2005, 03:40:00 AM
I'm currently listening to one youre a good man charlie brown and la boheme mixing them up... it's getting interesting...
re: Daphne or Rosario?
 Dec 15 2005, 12:19:03 PM
i really really liked daphne's mimi, and i know that im probably really behind for asking, but was dauphane offered the role for the movie? i didnt know if she turned it down or was even offered it or what!
re: Is Michelle Federer to be in Wicked Forever?
 Nov 16 2005, 08:14:06 PM
yeah, okay supafreak... i didnt say she sounded bad, i just metioned that she was dying... and it doesnt have to be through the ratfers.... by the way, I am totally loving you signature does sound a little familiar...
re: Roles You Wish You Could Play
 Nov 16 2005, 08:04:23 PM
Fiyero-wicked, Collins-RENT(i'm a white girl so i think it'd be great), laurie in Little Women, hmm... Freddy in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Raoul in Phantom(idk why...)
re: Is Michelle Federer to be in Wicked Forever?
 Nov 15 2005, 11:17:07 AM
Michelle would be great spreading her wings, and I think she has plenty of fan-base to get recognition in new projects. And Megan would be a good Nessa as long as she can sing stronger than she does in litte women...but she is dying in that so i'll cut her some slack....
Is Michelle Federer to be in Wicked Forever?
 Nov 14 2005, 11:33:11 AM
Michelle Federer has stood by Wicked since the very beginning, and I was wondering if seh was planning on doing something else any time soon. I mean I love her--I was Nessarose for halloween! but i'd like to see her in something else too!
re: Beautiful Belting?
 Nov 14 2005, 11:27:32 AM
Thanks guys! It doesn't hurt when i do it now, but it's the after-effect I'm worried about... I'm trying to get a vocal coach but I'm having the hardest time finding one whos' not 100 years old and can actually sing(i live in a TINY TOWN in TN) Working on developing the soprano...working...
Beautiful Belting?
 Nov 11 2005, 11:51:34 AM
I am applying for Governer's School for the Arts, and as far as that goes, it said not to do shy from once upon a matress and anything from RENT. I love both of these, Idina Menzel is a personal favorite and inspiration, and I belt like crazy. I dont know how to do it properly, and I dont want to hurt my voice. Any opinions/ advice?
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