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Colin's dance is faby
 Jul 28 2006, 05:31:29 PM
Colin's Billy Elliot numbers in the show of the same name, are "all that" and a squazillion times more.

And his faby new haircut works well, too.

Everyone in Canada is in hiding right now.
 Jan 26 2006, 12:12:24 AM
Everyone in Canada right now is trying to figure out who the hell voted in the Tories!

Ummmmmm, this puts Canada a lot closer to Quebec seceding from the Red Provinces, and, unfortunately for y'all, in a dispute such as this, you just know what side the current administration in JesusLand would come to the aid of, so, all you peeps in the Blue Provinces, just wait it out.

Y'all can have an election nearly immediately when the hangover wears off, but we wretched Yanks are stuck

Remarkable Accord!
 Jan 15 2006, 01:09:24 AM
Accord should get a Blue Peter button himself for getting these vids on the site so fast.

I spent half an hour at the BBC America guide and confirmed that I don't get the program anytime this month, unless I missed it in my DVR Guide.

Blue Peter, either.

The vid site is a life-saver, or in my case a time-keeper, because with the vids I can stand to just stay where I am and not chuck it all and move to London, which probably would not work out so good since Eaton refuse

Proof I have a life outside of Billy Elliot, barely.
 Jan 8 2006, 01:34:20 AM
I have been listening to the soundtrack CD for "Chronicles of Narnia" most of the night. Earlier today I was listening to the light Christian Rock "inspired by" CD which I bought my mistake when I went CD shopping without my reading glasses (there's a lesson!).

Oh, I also decided to answer the jury duty notice I got a few weeks back, because it could be delayed to March and who knows, they might actually come looking for jurors, one by one, which rarely happens, though it is a possibili

I must admit, the various Michaels elude IDing.
 Jan 7 2006, 07:41:32 PM
As adept as I have become at being able to spot the various Billys, the Michaels, perhaps because lots of the stage door shots have them in wool caps or something, start to morph into a generic Michael.

It is my weakest Billy visual ID area. I am unworthy.

I could pick Ashley (dimples for days) out of a crowd, but, could not depend on being able to ID any of the other Michaels.

Meanwhile, Jeff3, shame/kudos for being so apt/clever/on-the-nose/correct with your qu

One of my fave shows and a trip back in time.
 Jan 6 2006, 11:28:22 PM
Geez, I have a Broadway Playbill for Pippin.

The last time I saw it was at a nearby college.

It was a bit scary with college age (only) kids.

They did the happy ending, since I don't remember anything jarring.

I once saw the show from the front row, which should have been cordoned off, because my feet were literally hanging over the pit, half a story below.

I was so close, that me and about half the front row watched with awe as the cast came closer a

There's a hat pin right next to my eyeball, Jeff!
 Jan 6 2006, 11:15:09 PM

Please do not do the "i wanna lern 2 rite lik yung ppl. its way culer n evry1 no wot u meen jus as gd. lol." thing because it's freakin' nonsense.

Ummmmm, I wonder how these people talk and write business communications betwixt themselves and garden variety creatures who must use the Queen's English and whatever it is I speak, which is Yankee English.

The stuff that looks like it wuz typed with thumbs, annoys the hell out of me. Here I was leaning in the directio

This "Final Performance" stuff is very fluid .......
 Jan 6 2006, 03:52:43 PM
Cher has been on her Farewell Tour for about 6 years now, playing the same venues, 2 and 3 times, depending on your location.

And, no, let's not hang that moniker on James or George, because I would love to see either of them in March, just because, George is da bomb and I've never seen James.

Hell, face it, I will be deliriously happy with any Billy and any Michael and any recurring cast member I see during my 5 stabs at Billy.

So .......... I should check ticketing f

Real BE Fanatics know they'll have to thumb to NYC!
 Jan 2 2006, 01:09:08 AM

By the time BE could even get to Broadway, you'll have put the mortgage in total ruin with all those trips to London, which is how it's supposed to work, I think.

Yeah, we can always get a $39 fare to NYC on some startup that thins out the fuel with ethanol and corn syrup, but you shouldn't even have that kind of money after all those trips in 2006 to London.

Lemme see. One in March, another one in June, another in October. There's half a year of mortgage payment

And here I thought Board Members moved ........
 Dec 24 2005, 10:20:22 PM
........ like a herd with a single mindset.

I mean that in the best possible sense, but I just always assumed that large pods of Billy Fanatics would move right from the seats outside the front door, turn right, and down the street to the stage door wait and lurk, making squealing noises every time the door opened, even if it was an "unknown tech person" or someone similar.

Rock my world! I thought being part of a cheering, squealing mob of fans meant waiting outside, regardle

That happens to me lots and lots during .......
 Dec 23 2005, 06:41:14 PM
......... "The Letter" and "The Letter -- Reprise."

I'll be very interested to heard Accord's impressions on the OCR as a whole. It rocks, bigtime, for me.

I have it stuck in my 6-disc CD player in the car, surrounded by the book on CD that I'm listening to. A murder mystery. If I get bored with the book, I can always skip over to Billy, and my day is instantly brightened.

I do fear the CD is setting me up to be a basket case when I see the show live, again next year.

I watched 3.5 hours of BBC America to see Elton and David.
 Dec 22 2005, 07:33:10 PM
I watched all the BBC America news programs yesterday and got to see most of what was available, crowd shot wise, but don't recall seeing BETM section roped off or anything.

Maybe BETM peeps were invited to the giant soiree at Elton and David's place.

Kinda neat, just due to having a personal guide when I was in Windsor, I even know where that Guild Hall is, otherwise it would be one of those "outside of London" places.

I daresay, there was a lot more joy and happiness

I guess the trade unions here are weak sisters.
 Dec 19 2005, 09:34:55 PM
That's totally the way the non-British stage versions of the show should be, with authentic Brits, doing all the heavy lifting.

We'll have a largely Yank band playing the music (since I'd find it hard to believe it could be canned and set to automatic).

If the cast hails from authentic roots, let's hope the show isn't dumbed down at all, either.

(closeted Geordie wannabe)

Mine is in the order queue
 Dec 19 2005, 02:17:03 PM
And here I thought it would not hit till months from now.

Now I gotta see how I was paying for it, since I didn't budget for it happening so soon.


But, in a good way.

The little card sets in the 2-disc OCR are David's photos, as are the official posters that (I think at this point it's past tense) used to be sold at the concession stand with other Billy items. I got a George and a Liam poster, even though I saw George and Leon do the show.


My third viewing of Billy live, is gonna be intense!
 Dec 19 2005, 03:44:02 AM
I am storing up such a huge amount of stuff to unload during the first performance of Billy I see in the spring.

Geez Louise, I sure hope the show hasn't morphed totally into something else between the end of October to the middle of March.

I'll have to meditate or spend a few hours in the Stage Door Pub (same thing, yeah?) to wipe the slate clean before experiencing the show as Stephen and Lee and Peter (and Elton) intend for me at that time.

My first time up in March

Brilliant! That's it exactly.
 Dec 19 2005, 02:37:01 AM
Of course is there a specific reference for the phrase?

I mean, it's like exclaiming "Jesus wept" at a point where you're exasperated by something.

I can breathe easier now. If I have a context I can start using the phrase where applicable to upset other Yanks hereabouts.


I am separated from Englanders by a common language!
 Dec 19 2005, 01:10:15 AM
I am a native English speaker, and I miss stuff, too.

In fact, I posted about a lyric I am still missing after like 100 passes of the OCR.

I misspoke earlier when asking about the unknown lyric.

It is actually toward the end of "Solidarity" and is definitely Mrs. Wilkinson speaking to the ballet girls after one asks, "Can we have a go?" when the teacher is spending too much time on Billy and they're just standing there hanging out.

Mrs. Wilkinson, exasperatedl

clips from the website versus the real CD
 Dec 17 2005, 06:09:59 PM
I saw Billy twice in October, and then waited and waited for the OCR to be issued. I listened to a few of the clips online and was not in a positive mindset.

That all changed with the arrival of the OCR, because, apparently, clips are clips are clips. I dunno where or even how something as subjective as music and lyrics can be compared, from one stage to another with a different show, but I became addicted to Billy Elliot after just 2 viewings on the same day in October (George and Leon

I use TheatreMonkey for my printed seating chart
 Dec 12 2005, 02:53:44 AM
It was invaluable before I saw the show for the first time, but now that I've been to the theatre I know the good seats, even if I can't always get to them.

I find their seating chart prints really nice in B&W, which I attach to my ticket confirmation, with my seat colored in.

(or I would do this if the background with all the copyright warnings didn't print, but I'm not stealing the seating chart or anything for commercial purposes, so if I was actually doing this it would not

I was shocked at the size of the Billy House
 Dec 9 2005, 05:38:17 PM
I watched the Blue Peter show with Leon, and I was rocked when I saw the size of the Billy Elliot house. On the scale, style of a standard "wealthy" new suburban house anywhere in the U.S.
Oh, and walking into the dining area with all the Billys and other cast members just hanging out, was kind of "Oh My Ghod they're manufacturing castmembers." I mean, it was soooooooo cool!!!!

Oh, I just wanted to say, this little nook of the net is sooooooo special. Talk about kindred spirits.
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