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Member Name: dragon8fly2005
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re: The Times They Are A-Changin'
 Jan 27 2006, 08:14:09 PM
"Ron Burgundy had never heard that song..."

Sorry, I had to.

keep smiling,

Ya think?
 Jan 14 2006, 06:31:15 PM
Okay, whoever has the avatar with the blue and white scarf. That's freaking awesome.

I love it.

keep smiling,

Ya think?
 Jan 14 2006, 02:41:21 PM
To answer the question way back...I'm 19.

But how was everyone's Christmas?

keep smiling,

Ya think?
 Jan 12 2006, 11:19:07 AM
Hello board!!

Wow, it's been forever since I've been here. How have things been with everybody?

keep smiling,

How did I get here how the hell? Surgery is tommorow :(
 Jan 4 2006, 03:33:47 PM
Just checking in with ya'll.


i miss you all!

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 28 2005, 07:29:50 PM
Well, HI!

I've been SO busy, it's ridiculous. That and at home we have dial-up. Boo.

I miss all of you and our discussions here. I hope all is well and that those of you on break are enjoying it!

keep smiling,

 Dec 18 2005, 01:50:34 PM

I am finally home!! Home feels so good. But two of my best friends are fighting and I feel like I have to choose sides. Or at least they're expecting me to choose sides. Argh.

But Glee Club concert tomorrow night and that means I get to sing on stage during the Hallelujah Chorus with the other alumni. I'm excited!!!

Hope all is well with everyone!!

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 16 2005, 02:50:47 PM
Oh man, I remember snow days in HS.

But they got annoying after awhile because especially if they were a couple days in a row. I got bored really quick.

VivaBohemia - I KNOW WHERE GERMANTOWN IS!!! I have friends from college that live there. And a couple friends in Harford County. Oh, I'm in Chambersburg about 20 minutes from Hagerstown, MD. I think I'm about 2 hours from you.

I'm SO glad to be home!!!!

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 15 2005, 10:21:35 PM
Well, I'm all moved in.

And let me tell you, our room is pimped out!! I love it.

Did you guys (those who wanted to see it) my exhibit? I posted the link a couple pages ago.

Umm...oh yeah!

VivaBohemia - didn't you say you were from maryland? Which part? I'm in PA.

Well, I'm off to bed at this early hour. I have to get up at 430 to drive 7 hours home!!!

love you guys!

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 15 2005, 11:03:45 AM
I ended up going to bed.

But I'm moving today and I have so much other stuff to do today. It's gonna be CRAZY.

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 15 2005, 02:18:49 AM
I hear ya.

I think I'm about ready to go to bed. But I just got a shower so I'm wide awake.

Ugh, decisions.

Old School or Bed??

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 15 2005, 01:54:33 AM
VivaBohemia - which part of Maryland? I'm in PA!

Okay, so my roomie is gone and one of my suitemates is gone. So, there are only 2 people in this entire suite and we were making the most noise on third floor tonight.

Go us!

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 14 2005, 11:29:16 PM
I check it frequently.

In fact, I think it's the only thread I post in.

Because ya'll are cool. (WAIT..."ya'll?" What is the south doing to me???)

Yeah, mexican food melts my face off!

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 14 2005, 11:05:35 PM
Okay, can I just say that I LOVE Taco Bell's #6 with two classic beef chalupas and a soft taco!!

Now I'm hungry.

But the chips and salsa were amazing.

keep smiling,

Look Around
 Dec 14 2005, 09:34:40 PM
Ok, I am on a mission to get me some tortilla chips...

Who wants to join??

keep smiling,

marks scarf
 Dec 14 2005, 01:23:36 AM
Oh, the joys of real food that I miss so very much...

keep smiling,

marks scarf
 Dec 14 2005, 12:42:00 AM

TONS of stuff to cover.

First - Let's just say that Stater, my blood isn't red, it's blue and white! WOOTS! Penn State ALL THE WAY.

Second - My Art Exhibit...

It's called Pieces of Sound and features only the hands (obviously) playing their selected instruments.

And, yeah, I might go inspect this thread that's come up in the conversation. I'm not liking it too much.

keep smiling,

Ode to Scarf/Athony AIM
 Dec 13 2005, 07:25:48 PM
Bumping this thread because it's DYING.

But just stoping by to say hi and that I'M DONE WITH MY ART PROJECT!!

I'll put the pictures online some time and let you guys look at them.

keep smiling,

Ode to Scarf/Athony AIM
 Dec 13 2005, 04:54:51 PM
Okay, I really don't like packing. Why am I the one that has to move??

keep smiling,

Ode to Scarf/Athony AIM
 Dec 13 2005, 03:38:35 PM
I'll look for it.

It's probably not at Blockbuster or anything.

keep smiling,

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