Wicked Movie?! Mar 16
2014, 03:44:10 PM
Forget the film: They've made that great novel Wicked into a stage musical? I must see this musical, but am surprised i have not read much about Wicked on the boards...
Who are the most important critics? Mar 16
2014, 03:42:21 PM
The paying public. I dont think the journalist critics are that influential any more and can easily be ignored. Some are just pompous hacks who seem to live only to spout their own self- importance.
Betty Buckley as Norma Desmond Mar 15
2014, 11:37:15 AM
Missed her live on Broadway all those decades ago (!) and caught her understudy when she did it in London but was going through my show dvds and watched this yesterday. Quite AMAZING. And I have never seen a post-number reception from the audience as she got after With One Look where, in character, she tries to get the audience to stop. .spinetingling stuff. IMO one of ALW's greatest scores
Ragtime Original, Revival & Concert Jan 21
2014, 03:14:46 AM
Loved the revival but preferred the original broadway version. And I Adore the BBC live concert recording done many years ago and still watch this often and rather enjoyed the somewhat minimalist London production.
La Cage Aux Folles Dec 24
2013, 11:57:19 AM
Both very different and satisfying portrayals in their own way but Hodge gave a much more layered performance and was more credible. Not to mention good vocals. But Fierstein was a total joy to see live - a real legend. And there is always something so radiant and warming when seeing Fierstein on stage
BROADWAY SECRETS: Wherein we confess our controversial opinions Dec 21
2013, 02:18:03 PM
Bernadette peters is a marvellous actress but not a singer whose voice sounds great on a recording I liked katherine McPhee in Smash but Jeremy Jordan was barely one dimensional "Those" theatre luvvies who you end up sitting near at theatres who go on and on and on to anyone who will listen about what they know about such and such - you know the type: not much going on in their lives that they have to be the centre if attention and make evetyone try to be impressed by them
Theatre roof collapses in the UK Dec 20
2013, 03:41:04 AM
Thankfully no life threatening injuries according to the latest news. Very fortunate for that to have been the case.
Muck-Up Matinees? Dec 17
2013, 05:21:33 PM
Not a fan of muckup,matinees. I really was not impressed during Gavroche's death scene that matinee when Enjolras was wearing Mme Thenadier's wig. Kind of took the edge off the moment :)
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 17
2013, 10:52:46 AM
This is a musical that has never worked for me as a whole. The whole time reverse thing, while fairly fresh at the time, lost its impact rapidly on stage and got stale quickly for me. The times I have seen it it had the emotional impact of a typical Wildhorn show, but musically it really is a wonderful piece
Frank Wildhorn's Next Musical... Dec 17
2013, 05:20:38 AM
Please Frank Wildhorn, must we continue this charade?
Standing ovations during a show Sep 1
2013, 07:02:07 PM
On the three occasions I saw Betty Buckley as Norma she got a SO after With One Look and Norma-style gesticulated to get the audience down
Do you expect performers to be great 8 shows a week? May 20
2013, 11:59:17 AM
As performers WE expect to give performances of the same (hopefully) high standard each night. It is not really acceptable for audiences or performers to make excuses or allowances such as "but i am/they are so tired after all those shows" etc. that is part of what is, at the end of the day, a job. You do it, aim to give your best in as professional a manner as possible. As with any job. If you are not up to doing 8 shows a week, it is not the right profession. But as with any job, oc
Erin Dilly May 15
2013, 08:55:08 AM
Erin who? Still, nice that her hubby has such a wonderful command of the English language that he can be taken seriously!!!!. But perhaps he needed the exposure himself.
JEKYLL & HYDE Reviews Apr 19
2013, 04:48:36 PM
I still find this a very naff, vacuous and mostly unengaging musical. BUT the score is mostly wonderful, even with Wildhorn's key change addiction. I just don't think it works that well as a stage show, whereas the concert form it is much more comfortable fit.
Amanda Seyfried wants to play Regina George in the Mean Girls Musical Apr 19
2013, 04:39:20 PM
Oh god please no. She was an abomination with her singing/trilling in Les Miserables........even though she can hold a tune, it is not a nice sound.
Ann Crumb in Aspects of Love Dec 23
2012, 12:41:05 PM
rather enjoyed Aspects. The music at any rate is excellent although the original producton in London plodded at times. Loved Sarah Brightman as Rose in the final London cast - not the best actress but much better than she was in Phantom but a very good and convincing singer, who delivered her songs emotionally. Loved the changes they did to the show during the London run - especially making "There is more to love" into a duet between Guilietta and Rose: a much better and more poign
re: The Victor/Victoria/Julie Andrew story? (Tony & losing voice) Feb 26
2009, 01:30:17 PM
she was true class but her curtain speech, while giving credit to a great cast, did automatically create something of an "aren't I so nice to be doing this?" feel about it. And arguably gave her more publicity than the Tony would have done! Not a bad show though - fun with some good new numbers but a bit heavy handed in places.
re: Mary Poppins - Great for Tourists Feb 17
2009, 07:00:27 AM
yes tourists will love it perhaps but then theater-going New Yorkers are hardly known for being any classier in their taste either. Good on tourists and what horror would spread though if they stayed away!!!
Off topic, mostly Jan 4
2009, 05:20:29 AM
yes one does have to remember that BUT on a smoker it is a FAR worse rank smell than on a passive smoker.
re: Wearing cologne/perfume in the theatre... Jan 3
2009, 03:38:56 PM
I would rather the rankest, cheapest perfume/cologne that sets me off sneezing than the much worse and downright skanky smell that comes from smokers. Do smokers not realise that they just reek. And it is never pleasant when sitting near them. Also BO is hideous (and a smoker with BO is just the worst)