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H2$ Darren Criss rush Jan 15
2012, 09:30:18 AM
No guarantees as all this is a shot in the dark, but they're pretty good.
H2$ Darren Criss rush Jan 12
2012, 12:28:03 AM
I also went today - I got there around 7am, and was about 70th in line or so. I got matinee tickets with no problem (in the box because we had a group of , and neither show was sold out by the time one of my other friends got to the front. She was probably about 80 or 90th in line, got there a bit past 7:15. The line stretch all the way down the block by 9:30, a good almost 200 people I'd say, if not a bit more.
H2$ Darren Criss rush Jan 10
2012, 02:14:18 AM
If anyone goes tomorrow, let us know how it goes! I'm planning on going Wednesday, but I can't get there until about 7. I hope it won't be a lost cause...
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