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Member Name: ksimone1120
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Into the Woods Movie Cast
 Dec 18 2012, 09:45:38 AM

"Nor the beauty. The witch has to turn into a beauty. I wanted Catherine Zeta-Jones."

Omg CZJ Would be amazing. & i dont think she will need the beauty because it is going to be a Disney movie so it may be a cartoon or a movie(like tangled)

BARE Reviews
 Dec 16 2012, 05:20:09 PM
I would say pass and watch the original online.

OMG where can i watch it online?

GLEE's Lack Of Showtunes These Days...
 Dec 3 2012, 08:27:08 PM
Oh Yes, Turkey Lurkey is one, Yeah it wasn't used a lot. But this Season, So Far, there hasn't been much show tunes.
GLEE's Lack Of Showtunes These Days...
 Dec 3 2012, 08:18:21 PM
It Just Makes Me Mad Because It Started Off As A Musical Based Show, & Now It's Doing A Bunch Of Crappy Pop Songs Hint: "Let's Have a Kiki / Turkey Lurkey Time." "Gangnam Style: I Know They Are Trying To Appeal To A Different Audience But I Think They Should Go Back To Their Roots. I'm Pretty Satisfied With "All That Jazz" & "Being Alive" Though :)
Worst Show of 2012?
 Dec 3 2012, 08:10:47 PM
GHOST! People only like it because of the smokes and mirrors =/
"If you're auditioning for _________, don't sing _______"
 Dec 3 2012, 08:08:30 PM
"If you're auditioning for _________, don't sing _______" Thread!

Here's how it works:
Click "Reply"
Put the title of the show (and character name if it applies) in the Subject
List the songs (composers, genres, etc.) in the Message Body

That's it!

Bring it on! the Musical?
 Feb 17 2012, 11:10:49 AM
OKay so when I type fast I forget & mispell words. ... & your point is..? doesn't mean i'm bad in English.
Bring it on! the Musical?
 Feb 17 2012, 10:11:53 AM
Im not comparing. how can i compare when i havent even seen bring it on the musical. I was basically asking is the like the energy of the songs alike and the musical numbers thats all... I was asking were the alike. obviously.

Bring it on! the Musical?
 Feb 16 2012, 03:20:53 PM
Yeah i love it. I loved the whipped into shape routine.
Bring it on! the Musical?
 Feb 16 2012, 02:52:01 PM
O.O :-*
Your Most Hated Musical
 Feb 16 2012, 02:50:39 PM
I actually seen 13 the musical. My friend gave me 2 tickets so it was free... It was awful.
Bring it on! the Musical?
 Feb 16 2012, 02:33:47 PM
And However Would You know that...? I mean it Came On MTV Everyday.. so yeah..

Bring in on! the Musical?
 Feb 16 2012, 02:27:00 PM
Well, have you guys seen Legally Blonde: the Musical? Because i'm thinking that they're pretty much the same... but Legally blonde was great... if it is then i might think about seeing it.? Have yall seen legally blonde the musical?
Bring in on! the Musical?
 Feb 16 2012, 10:03:32 AM
Put a post telling if its good or not please, thanks.
Bring it on! the Musical?
 Feb 16 2012, 09:56:28 AM
is their really going to be bring it on the musical or is it already on broadway? im lost...

Musicals Made into Movies?
 Feb 14 2012, 02:48:20 PM
What musicals do you think should be made into movies?
I'm Going For Wicked... & Avenue Q.
What do yall think

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