THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre' Aug 8
2017, 09:20:37 PM
"Bibliot said: "From a member of the ensemble: "To those in the forefront or the periphery of the recent events, whose actions propelled the show to close sooner than it would have, and certainly under more negative circumstances than it would have, I wonder if you ultimately got what you wanted. And I wonder that if you did, whether getting it at the expense of an entire building of people's hearts and livelihoods feels worth it."
Huh. Maybe I'm projecting onto this, but doesn't the reference to people in the "forefront" and "periphery" sound like it could be a direct insinuation of Casal and Oak?
Andy Mientus Tweets Nov 28
2015, 08:10:16 PM
I unfollowed his Twitter after he was calling out people for making fun of Smash but had no qualms making fun of the live Sound of Music in which he had peers taking part. You can think what you want about the quality of either, but the hypocrisy was blatant.
Kyle Jean-Baptiste Dead at 21 Aug 29
2015, 03:48:59 PM
So tragic. I couldn't believe the headline when I saw it. There are some losses too horrible for words.
The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread Jun 7
2015, 09:14:14 PM
Did anyone else notice the number of phones in the audience behind Sydney Lucas's head while she was performing? Oof.
The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread Jun 7
2015, 08:08:53 PM
I can't tell if it's just my speakers/ sound mixing, but I couldn't hear a word Alan or Kristin said in that opening if the crowd was cheering or clapping.
Wiz Live Promotional Art May 11
2015, 11:47:31 PM
Come on and SLAM and welcome to the JAM!
Favorite Pro Shot Versions of Stage Musicals? May 8
2015, 06:38:08 PM
The Light in the Piazza for me, as well. It's heartbreaking that it seems to have been taken off of YouTube now, that's how I watched it quite a few times and introduced it to friends. I wish there was some easier way to access it.
Marquees that were never/ took forever to change over Feb 26
2015, 01:32:59 PM
Catch Me if You Can closed in the beginning of September 2011 and the marquee was up into 2012, until Jesus Christ Superstar came in to replace it.
Musicals with exotic locales Jan 4
2015, 04:42:03 PM
Part of Guys and Dolls takes place in Havana, Cuba.
Goodbye to Cinderella Jan 3
2015, 03:41:13 PM
I loved this show. I saw it a week before the original cast left. I was supposed to see Pippin with friends that day but it was sold out, so I (luckily) got a rush ticket for this. It was beautiful and I had a fantastic time. Sad to see it go, but happy it lives on in the tour!
Who was Disney's target demographic with Into the Woods? Dec 29
2014, 11:50:32 AM
At the showing I saw when the Baker's Wife comes back in the end to sing with him, a little girl behind me went, "She's ALIVE!". I felt bad about that one.
Finding Neverland: Rehearsal Shots Jul 8
2014, 02:20:33 PM
Is Jeremy Jordan supposed to be playing a child/teenager in this show?
Buzzfeed's 43 Best Musicals since 2000 May 22
2014, 08:32:03 PM
Pleasantly surprised that Piazza was in the top three. And that Wicked was not.
Any News On A LADY DAY Recording? Apr 4
2014, 02:44:39 PM
There you go, Jordan!
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 3/23/14 Mar 24
2014, 03:09:27 PM
Ouch, Bridges...
Songs That Have Moved You To Tears Mar 10
2014, 07:30:30 PM
"Fable" from The Light in the Piazza always has me in tears by the end. Many parts in Next to Normal as well, but the worst to me isn't even in one of the songs- the bit where Diana remembers Gabe and Dan finally tells her what happened. "And I was a child raising a child... we stayed up all night. Most nights you slept at his side. But still he just cried..." That part destroys me.
Norm Lewis is playing Mandela Feb 10
2014, 10:32:21 PM
I just laughed out loud at the thought of Norm as Matilda. Thank you for that image, Matt Rogers. Still snickering.
Last night I saw a production of Next to Normal... Jan 23
2014, 02:37:12 PM
Last year I saw a production of N2N where rather than smash the music box, Dan slapped Diana in the face- that definitely ruined the production for me. It made me hate Dan, who is usually the most sympathetic in the show (IMO). If just in the staging, it's not illegal- though it does give the ending a different feel. I like the uncertainty that comes with Diana being away from the family in the end. Diana coming back makes it almost a happy ending, which I'm not sure is what the show n
A New Cinderella Jan 21
2014, 01:21:12 PM
I went on Saturday afternoon to see the show and I'm beyond happy that I did. My only regret is not seeing it with my mother, who I'm sure would have loved it just as much if not more than I did. I'll be another to add that I may have pre-judged Carly Rae. I'm excited now to hear how she does in the role, and hope she can surprise many of us.
Can Carly Rae Jepsen Sing Jan 18
2014, 11:02:21 PM
Does Carly Rae Jepsen have eyebrows?