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Member Name: Topdoggeh
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 Feb 14 2006, 06:20:58 PM
Just have to make a quick comment on that pic; I find that he resembles a deer about to get hit by a car. Poor Anthony, lol. :)

That is all.

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 Feb 13 2006, 09:59:29 PM
Whoooa. This movie is like. Really crazy.

The Isaac interview- yeah, I watched that earlier... That was interesting. To say the least.

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 Feb 13 2006, 09:51:24 PM
Nah, I'll pass. Unless it's on a finger sandwich. :)

Yes. Good movie; kind of hard to follow when you're trying to do homework at the same time, but now that I'm done, I can focus a little more.

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 Feb 13 2006, 09:45:11 PM
*whine* I wanna meet Anthony tooooo.

Science homework sucks. But this movie is great.

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 Feb 13 2006, 09:02:32 PM
Yeah, me too.. Just some math. I'm watching a Beautiful Mind, too. :) I'll be back later.
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 Feb 13 2006, 08:51:58 PM
Just wanted to make sure. Cause I hate it when I'm the only person that likes something.

Well... This Caplan fellow doesn't sound too... Mark-ish. I've heard good things about the new tour cast's Mark- I'm looking forward to seeing him. :)

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 Feb 13 2006, 08:48:06 PM
So wait- Are we talking about the line in general, or how Caplan does it? I'm confused...
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 Feb 13 2006, 08:40:52 PM
"I'm a New Yorker. Fear's my life."

"My T-cells are low- I regret that news!"

Best for last...

"Oh I'm not- I'm just here to- I don't have- I'm here with- Mark! Mark! I'm Mark!! ...Well, this is quite an operation..."

Life Support is also one of my favorites; line wise, anyway.

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 Feb 13 2006, 08:36:02 PM
Christmas Bells is an awesome song. It makes me sad that they didn't put it in the movie.

Oh, and I love at the end of the song when Roger's singing "I Should Tell You" over and over again.

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 Feb 13 2006, 08:33:21 PM
Fantabulous, that made me happy. I love the interaction in those lines.
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 Feb 13 2006, 08:30:24 PM
Aww, guys, you're making me skip all around on my CD so I can listen to the lines over and over again. But that's ok.
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 Feb 13 2006, 08:28:19 PM
Thanks, Pengwendolyn! (I was so tempted to call you Penguin, or something alone those lines. I guess the spelling of the two is just close.)

I don't know why, but I find when Roger and the Man have the spat over Mimi, I melt. I just love that line. It's so smooth.

"Let's go eat! I'll just get fat- it's the one vice left, when you're dead meat!!" :)

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 Feb 13 2006, 08:24:32 PM
OHHEMMMGEEE I LOVE CHARLIE BROWN ANTHONY!! ...Ahem. Sorry. Fan girl kinda got the best of me. I won't let it happen again, I promise...

Anthony just fits Charlie Brown so well. I wish I could have seen him in that. *whine*

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 Feb 13 2006, 08:20:14 PM
I'll try, if you guys want me here. :)

Mark says it on the OBC recording, it's just... I don't know. So dorky and cute. So Mark. I also love the line from Collins, "I like boys." Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I just like crazy random lines thrown into songs.

edit: Yes, I love the heavy drugs line too. And prozac. Hell, I love pretty much love all of the final lines in that song.

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 Feb 13 2006, 08:16:40 PM
Back to Anthony.

Does anyone else find the line in "You'll See", "Or group hugs!" as adorable as I do? Just needed to get that out. {/fangirl}

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 Feb 13 2006, 08:02:13 PM
Well.. You know... Things come up!! LIKE DOLL DISCUSSIONS! *Attempts to return to lurkdom*
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 Feb 13 2006, 07:59:13 PM
The horrrrrror! *hides*
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 Feb 13 2006, 07:56:49 PM
Yes! I saw one of those as a little kid, and I thought it was another kid crying. I was tempted to see what was wrong, but then I realized it was fake. :/
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 Feb 13 2006, 07:54:25 PM
The doll is nice... But kinda creepy. Though, I just get creeped out with dolls in general. So I have no say, really.

I was wondering the same thing, opiv.

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 Feb 13 2006, 07:50:38 PM
Here's a pic of Anthony and a fan... And a doll she made.

Just wanted to post that, cause you were talking about dolls. *shrug*

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