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Member Name: NYsky
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Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 21 2012, 03:31:46 PM
Why do you think an understudy would go on before the standby? Why would the director make such a choice? How dare he go against the rules of theatre. Here's a thought: maybe, just maybe he made a decision based on what he thought was best for the production. Maybe he thought Taylor was the best choice for the production. Yes, you have the right to your OPINION, and I have the right to disagree with you vehemently. You have the right to make rude unnecessary comments and I have the right to def
Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 21 2012, 01:17:22 PM
To Matteo and fanofwhiteway, are you stupid? For some reason you can't figure out why Taylor would go on instead of the standby? As if the label standby automatically means most qualified. Do you not think the powers to be would have put in the standby instead of the understudy if they felt she was the best one to fill in? And to assume that because of the title standby she must be more qualified to be Annie is nothing short of ignorant. To compare Taylor with Lilla who YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN is on
Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 20 2012, 11:25:04 AM
Here's how I believe the process works and please correct me but I'm feeling pretty confident here: Crawford is clearly Annie and clearly sick. The voice is always the last thing to recover. Richardson, understudy, will be Annie whenever Crawford is sick or needs time off such as a Wednesday or Saturday matinee as long as there is enough time to make the audience aware of the switch such as the slip of paper in the playbill or a sign in the foyer area. Young would only step in as Annie if someth
Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 19 2012, 11:00:03 PM
Is it possible that Lilla has just been sick and needs extra time to rest her voice?
Seems as if Taylor has been doing an excellent job filling in on such short notice and such little practice, but are we looking into this too much? Maybe it's much ado about nothing.

Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 14 2012, 07:03:50 PM
You are thinking WTF? Take a guess at what everyone reading your post is thinking. The play is mediocre, yet you'd go see it again? (love when you fools criticize before ever buying a ticket, and I'm betting you have Yet to buy a ticket. You simply lie about seeing it as you feel it gives you some authority to critique it). Lapine is a sell out, you say, but Finneran is "one of the great comic actors of our time." Is she a sell out too for taking on this role? Is she just out for a pay check? Ne
Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 14 2012, 06:46:32 PM
You are thinking WTF? Take a guess at what everyone reading your post is thinking. The play is mediocre, yet you'd go see it again? (love when you fools criticize before ever buying a ticket, and I'm betting you have Yet to buy a ticket. You simply lie about seeing it as you feel it gives you some authority to critique it). Lapine is a sell out, you say, but Finneran is "one of the great comic actors of our time." Is she a sell out too for taking on this role? Is she just out for a pay check? Ne
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