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Member Name: VoiceOfReason3
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Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 24 2012, 04:52:02 PM
Good grief bialyhoos22, people sure assume a lot on these forums. Perhaps you trolled me (and others), but I will take the bait.

Obviously the people who signed up recently when the musical went PUBLIC and liked the show enough to post positive reviews are either A) the producers or B) somehow invested in the show either financially or via family.

But to deny either of those possibilities would be ridiculous, correct? Because clearly no simple fan of the musical could ever wa

Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 24 2012, 10:51:28 AM
I admit, I do love it which is probably the only reason I signed up to to post - when I saw someone apparently disliked so much the very show I saw and loved. I've been really excited about this production for a while since Annie holds some lovely childhood memories for me.

I couldn't resist responding to Matteo's impassioned post with my own because I feel we had a wonderful night that evening. While most here love Annie, I think people who've never seen Annie would have a wonderful time at the show. I am a bit verbose which is why I tend to lurk and never post on boards, but many of us are out there. We just like to hide in the shadows normally!

Off topic, I don't really get the general dislike for Katie though in this thread. I feel she has such presence. Ah well, not everyone is going to like everything about the show, but there's so much I did enjoy. There could be some tweaks of course in my opinion, but overall I think it's solid.

I'll go back to my lurking and save you all from my lengthy discourse. Glad to be here though.

Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 24 2012, 12:42:56 AM

Thanks for the response. I appreciate your clarifications and do think that it can be difficult to accurately convey one's sentiments clearly over the internet - one of the reasons I prefer a phone call over an e-mail. Call me old-fashioned I suppose. I'm never quite happy with what I've posted or written in electronic format. You can't give text 'tone' and thus it can be hard to decipher how the message was intended. So things can come across harsher than intended.

Annie Preview Thread
 Oct 23 2012, 11:42:14 PM
Wow, I can't believe the venom I see around here. This is Annie guys, so are you all trying to play the part of Miss Hannigan in real life? And people are seriously accusing each other of being the parent of a child in the show? There's a good reason they tell people to not trust anything you read on the net.

Let's just pray that none of the parents actually do read these threads because it's one thing to tear apart a grown adult, but it's another thing entirely to do

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