re: Show us your Cast ALbum collection! May 27
2007, 02:13:47 PM
re: Anthony Crivello's interview Nov 22
2006, 05:04:44 PM
re: Your favorite Christmas cds Nov 27
2005, 07:20:42 PM
while they aren't very Broadway-related, my current favorites are... The Reindeer Room (A Christmas Chillout) vols 1, 2, & 3 Christmas Cocktails vols 1, 2, & 3 Wonderland - Under The Mistletoe Wonderland - Cool December Wonderland - Yulesville but you can NEVER go wrong with the Vince Guaraldi Charlie Brown Christmas...
re: Let's see a show of OLD hands - Version 2 Aug 7
2005, 11:27:54 AM
re: Eating Raoul Aug 5
2005, 11:42:30 AM
i shall add it to my wishlist, then!
Eating Raoul Aug 5
2005, 11:26:03 AM
so, the Off-Broadway Cast Album of Eating Raoul showed up in my Amazon Recommendations list today... does anyone know anything about this show?
re: Is Wicked or The Wizard of Oz....cursed? Jun 24
2005, 04:25:36 PM
kristen chenoweth did not break her neck...
re: Laura Griffith walks into 'The Light...' Jun 17
2005, 10:09:28 AM
say! you're good! it makes your point clearer... i also agree with Namo on his point, that over time, the excitement red feels about this show will temper, and it will become a cherished show in his mind, joining Sunday In The Park With George, The Man of La Mancha, and Caroline, Or Change among others...
re: Laura Griffith walks into 'The Light...' Jun 17
2005, 09:57:43 AM
i still don't see the connection with the second coming... semantics, probably, but yours...
re: Laura Griffith walks into 'The Light...' Jun 17
2005, 09:40:17 AM
...and yet, you seem to keep returning to "listen"... no one is forcing you to read this thread... you've chosen to "shove" this down your own throat... and it seems you're the only person who has a real issue with it... redhot is hardly a person who likes to "see" himself talk... the last time he did anything like this was to promote his show last fall... he hardly qualifies for your description... also, "Additionally the constant protestations that PIAZZA is akin to the second coming
Frankenstein: The Musical Jun 16
2005, 01:39:56 PM
Has anyone else heard about this?
re: Laura Griffith walks into 'The Light...' Jun 16
2005, 06:42:40 AM
ahhhh... "Do I Hear A Waltz?"... "Take The Moment"... Sergio Franchi's voice... ahhhhhh
re: Will This Ruin 'The Secret' For Me In TLITP. Jun 15
2005, 03:36:10 PM
great, Namo... now all the kids are going to want The Crying Game turned into a musical...
re: Linda Eder in Dallas Jun 14
2005, 05:36:25 PM
i read the title of this thread and i thought, "wow! did she play Sue Ellen's sister or cousin or something?"
re: Piazza Extended... Jun 14
2005, 09:30:24 AM
i thought it was Jan 6
re: Laura Griffith walks into 'The Light...' Jun 13
2005, 03:31:01 PM
Mistress, it's funny how when Matt Morrison shook my hand, your name popped into my head... i also want to say that this is the first time i was truly TRULY transported by a theater piece...
re: Laura Griffith walks into 'The Light...' Jun 13
2005, 03:26:51 PM
this was the one time we hung around the stage door with the INTENT of meeting the cast... redhot wanted to congratulate Laura, and we wound up in extended conversation with Michael Berresse and Victoria Clark... Matt Morrison seemed to be in a hurry as all he had time to do was shake my hand, and Kelli O'Hara just has this utter joy in her face... it was a great day...
re: Best Musical and LCT Jun 6
2005, 09:53:30 AM
i think the uproar over Contact's win helped push for the creation of the Special Theatrical Event category...
re: Floppo Records Jun 5
2005, 12:08:28 PM
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and of course, Carrie: The Musical
re: We now have to HUNT for Musical DVDs in Stores! Jun 4
2005, 07:28:24 AM
J&R Music World has a nice Musicals section...