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Profile for nyanna

Member Name: nyanna
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re: Daniel Reichard Love Thread
 Aug 12 2006, 06:35:55 PM
Wow- so nice to see Daniel has so many fans! Just so y'all know, its not an act, he truly is a sweet person. I've known Daniel a while now, and have had the pleasure of working with him. It was so nice to see him have the opportunity to break out on Broadway in a role that fits him perfectly. And his voice always makes me melt.
comedic audition songs for women
 Aug 11 2006, 03:32:58 PM
Hi Guys- I'd love to get any suggestions that anyone wants to throw my way for comedic audition songs. (There were some great suggestions the other day for guys- which unfortunately didn't really didn't help me)It seems lately that everyone wants to see me do 'funny funny', and the only thing in my audition binder that falls under this category is 'Taylor the Latte Boy' which has actually met with a surprising amount of success. Still, I'd like some more options. All my runners-up are more quir
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