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Member Name: IntoTheNight
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re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2
 Nov 30 2006, 10:55:16 AM
Hey, I heard Matthew was at the theater yesterday! Did anyone else go? What's the scoop?
re: The Good/The Bad...Worst stagedoor experiences
 Nov 16 2006, 10:48:07 AM
Constantine came out and signed and took pictures for a long time. He seemed really happy to be there.


I also had a very good experience when I went in October. He must have been in quite the mood that night as well, because he chatted with my friend and me for a few minutes in addition to signing things. He wasn't rude to us at all. And the rest of the cast was gracious and warm too.

re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Nov 8 2006, 10:38:08 AM
Looking forward to hearing more reviews and especially about the funny moments before the show closes. I always love reading about them!
re: Constantine Maroulis to Join 'Jacques Brel' in January
 Nov 3 2006, 10:21:49 PM
January 7 until February 18 I last heard. If I made an error, anyone may feel free to correct me.
re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Nov 3 2006, 05:24:09 PM had some video up yesterday. I believe BlueforBroadway has some links.
re: Constantine Maroulis to Join 'Jacques Brel' in January
 Nov 3 2006, 05:21:48 PM
His voice is much better suited to Broadway than to rock.


I totally agree; he is totally more Broadway (or in the case of Jacques, Off-Broadway, lol) than 'rocker' type things. I too hope for a calm winter for all going to see him in the role :)

re: Constantine Maroulis to Join 'Jacques Brel' in January
 Nov 3 2006, 01:29:04 PM
This is one of my most favorite all time shows. It will be interesting to see how well he does in it. I certainly will not argue that it will be a contrast from his current stint as Sammy in Wedding Singer...only this time around, his time in Brel will be a shorter stay (6-7 weeks, I believe).
re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Nov 2 2006, 10:38:22 PM
That's a cute video :)
re: Does Constantine Stage door?
 Oct 30 2006, 01:09:07 PM
I highly doubt that happened. i have never seen him be outright mean. Especially to a child.


Me neither. He's been known to really love kids, but he has gotten a bit terse with older fans that get too cloying and clingy now and then. In that case, I can't blame him.

re: Does Constantine Stage door?
 Oct 30 2006, 01:07:07 PM
I have noticed a pattern that he tends to get a tad annoyed with the same people showing up again and again wanting 5-6 Playbills signed, though he doesn't always show it. But my experience with him was a good one as well, though, as some of the others have stated, the wait for him tends to be a bit longer and he does get to as many people as he can if he doesn't have other commitments to get to. One will usually have a better chance of getting a positive reaction if they are polite and show som
re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Oct 30 2006, 10:55:45 AM
Constantine's mean? He was so sweet when I met him last time. The again, I was at a show full of 50-year-old trailor trash women who were screaming over him and I was just like, "Hey, Origin of Love? Great song. I love Hedwig." and he looked really surprised I knew what the **** it was. Then he started rubbing my hand during the conversation and his conversation with the women next to me, which was awkward, but whatever. It was late.

I think he's a pretty sweet guy. He's just really, re

re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Oct 27 2006, 03:45:27 PM
Does anyone else here belong to the Playbill Club? I got an email earlier advertising WS tickets up to $50 off. It also said on the ad that Constantine is indeed staying on until December 3. I saved the email in case anyone was curious.
re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Oct 26 2006, 09:33:24 PM
I changed my icon.

Edit: Click it to enlarge what it says


LOL...I love it! Totally genius!

re: Wedding Singer to Close 12/31/06
 Oct 26 2006, 07:31:17 PM
I will probably see the show again when it tours, though I know it will not be the same as the Broadway experience. I know I will hang on to the memorabilia (Playbill, cast CD, etc.), because one never knows if and when they could be collectors' items someday.

And on the positive side, there had been good shows down through history that closed after one or two nights. We are so lucky that the show we loved lasted this long, with such a dynamic and talented cast, though sad it will soon

re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Oct 26 2006, 12:46:15 PM
Though I suppose people may be less inclined to get there as early when it's freezing cold.
If they do that--you got to give those ones BIG kudos for dedication!

re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Oct 26 2006, 12:32:23 PM
pepper spray to use against the fans that follow them to their next show.

re: Wedding Singer to Close 12/31/06
 Oct 26 2006, 12:27:04 PM
If it wasn't for Constantine this show probably would have closed in September!


And you know I would like to think this is just an obviously biased opinion, and not an actual fact. Hey, I like the guy too, but I also see the entire big picture. With or without him, there wasn't enough money to keep it going, unfortunately. And those figures don't lie.

re: Wedding Singer to Close 12/31/06
 Oct 26 2006, 10:48:15 AM
This was such an upbeat show; I don't think there was a time during it that my friend and I WEREN'T smiling when we saw it last week. But as many of you mentioned already, as with any other show business venture, it all boils down to economics, and along with the point of the low ticket price, I believe a few mentioned previously that turnout during the week was not as stellar as it was on the weekends.
re: Wedding Singer to Close 12/31/06
 Oct 25 2006, 08:22:56 PM
any word if Constantine will stay with it till the end or not?

He has SAID a few times that he is staying until the end (and yes, it is in Matthew's contract that he gets to do the last show), but there has been no official word from TPTB on whether Con will remain past November 5 or not. I guess we will know in another week or two.

Sad that it is closing, though. At least I got to go see it last week..thank goodness!

re: Love is what we do! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread.
 Oct 25 2006, 08:18:30 PM
Variety is one of the best trades in the business; they have been around for many, many years. So I would think that this is a reliable source.

It is sad that it is closing, BUT the good thing is that there is going to be a touring production. I know it is not the same, but it is better than nothing.

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