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Member Name: Dave Paulson
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re: Who owns the rights to costume and set designs?
 Nov 20 2006, 07:33:19 PM
Whomever copywrites them. It can the the designer, the producer or some other legal entity.

Now whether the designs are copywrite-able or not is another discussion. As is the one about how they would be. As is the one of whether they should be.

There is a big risk here. See the thread on Hunter Foster for more.

re: Hunter Foster Responds to Urinetown Mess!
 Nov 20 2006, 06:39:29 PM
Ditto that.

Only the insecure need to "own" their ideas and prevent others from embellishing, improving on, referencing etc.

I feel for the designers of the other productions who, in some instances, never even saw the original (or pictures thereof) so how could they plagiarize it? Now they have to contend with loss of reputation and hefty legal fees. May it never happen to anyone else.

If this is too far off topic: Bite me. Careless use of the law bodes ill for all.

re: Hunter Foster Responds to Urinetown Mess!
 Nov 19 2006, 10:44:13 PM
I think this may rest in a fundamental difference in our respective understandings of what a designer does. I have ideas yes -- sometimes dozens for any given show. The contribution I make is collaborative -- I help make the collective idea of the show concrete in terms of scenery or lights or costumes -- whatever I happen to be designing. I don't "own" the idea -- it is a touchstone by which I make decisions of color, line etc. I've done Twelfth Night about 6 times now. If someone wants to use
re: Hunter Foster Responds to Urinetown Mess!
 Nov 19 2006, 02:59:22 PM
The director, choreographer and designers were certainly paid for their work on the B’way show. So now, their work is so precious that it needs to be framed? PLEASE. Are they so lightly endowed with talent that they cannot secure other work? Are they all one trick ponies? If the other theatres are guilty of anything, which I doubt, it would be of laziness in their own creative processes — but frankly it was probably more the case of a producer who said ” just make it like they did on Broadway”.
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