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Profile for MargaretCrawford

Member Name: MargaretCrawford
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2019 Tony Awards Performances
 May 14 2019, 11:58:04 AM

I would love for Hadestown to perform Chant, although I know it is unlikely. It showcases each of the nominated performers, alongside the incredibly strong ensemble, and if they are able to recreate their set, shows how intricate the direction by Chavkin is. It sets the show up as a Modern Myth fairly well (most people know who Hades is, and what the underworld is, and Chant illustrates the semi steampunk version of it in the show).

Next New LCT Musical?
 May 14 2019, 11:43:05 AM

I'm still holding out hope for a Sher helmed revival of The Sound of Music - with the rise of neo nationalism in the US it is certainly in the "hold a mirror to modern society" vein that Sher's previous R&H revivals have been, and it hasn't been on Broadway in 20 years. 

 Apr 29 2019, 03:58:46 PM

JSquared2 said: "I think you'll find that MOST Broadway musical theatre performers are (at best) good at 2 of out the 3 elements (good actor/singer but not a dancer, good dancer/singer butcan't act, etc.). Very, very few TRUE "triple threats.""

Definitely a fair point, and one I agree with! I’m compiling a list of the Actor/Singer’s then, under that train of thinking. 

Musical Theatre Performers who don’t dance?
 Apr 29 2019, 01:31:21 PM
Im working on compiling a list of musical theatre performers from the last couple of decades who werent triple threats in the traditional sense - People who were incredibly talented actors and vocalists, but who were not dancers in the way we think of them now. Someone like Idina Menzel comes to mind - she does a bit of choreography here and there, but she is hardly known for her tight 8 counts. Who would you suggest for the list?
Gypsy Robe for Anastasia?
 Apr 19 2018, 09:53:26 PM

ClumsyDude15 said: "Jennifer Smith had gotten hurt during previews of Anastasia and I remember when watching the video of the ceremony that Jennifer had given her blessing to passing on the robe to Shina."

I figured it was a situation like that! Do you happen to have a link to that video? I would love to take a look.

Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
 Apr 19 2018, 09:51:15 PM

Yikes. She has publicly expressed regret over playing it the first time too, and made it clear that she knows she should not be playing non caucasian characters.

Gypsy Robe for Anastasia?
 Apr 19 2018, 07:11:19 PM

I was looking through the photos from the Anastasia Gypsy Robe ceremony, and I realized that Jennifer Smith both didn't get the robe, and was photographed on crutches at the event.

Does anyone know what happened to her/if that is why the honor went to the next most seasoned member, Shina Ann Morris? I'm assuming that is the reason but I'm surprised that I didn't see any talk about it last year.

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