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wicked 3/16 eve review
 Mar 17 2005, 12:11:13 AM
i was lucky enough to get the lottery for wicked tonight. i haven't seen the show sicne kristin's last week in july so i was excited to see a very new cast. was pleasantly surprised to get megan hilty the standby for glinda tonight. i heard great things about her and was excited to see her.

unfortunately, my expectations were not met. i was expected to be blown away from everything i'd been hearing. especially by shoshana. but i was let down. megan has a beautiful operatic voice. her e

re: WICKED with LauraBell Bundy
 Jan 30 2005, 02:47:18 PM
i made it a point to try and see laura when kristin was doing candide. i was not impressed at all. her popular was the most atrocious thing that night. she emotionally didn't have much of a journey and lacked a lot of chemistry with idina. obviously, being a standby she's said before that you don't have much time to make the part your own. she just did nothing for me. i even remember her for good being letting her emotions getting the worst of her and not being able to really sing the song. i'm
re: I was looking on Shoshana's website and about the new glinda it says
 Jan 23 2005, 11:48:51 AM
i don't mean to be rude, but you really shouldn't base your opinion off of what you've heard from other people. your opinion might be swayed but you really should give the girl a chance before you say things like you hope someone isn't replacing someone from what you've heard. just my two cents...
re: Worst show you've seen
 Jan 18 2005, 10:46:18 PM
movin out. i saw a matinee and since there are certain performers who only go on during the matinees i figured they'd give it their all since they didn't have to worry too much about doing an evening show. they were so marking and i felt robbed of that time.
Michael Arden website?
 Jan 15 2005, 11:36:43 PM
can't believe i'm posting again, but was wondering if there were any michael arden websites, either official or fan on the net?
re: Brooklyn 1/15 Evening Review
 Jan 15 2005, 11:20:53 PM
oooh, maybe it was sold out. i'm so clueless about these. i just sorta go to the theater hoping they'll have cheap tickets. :)
re: Brooklyn 1/15 Evening Review
 Jan 15 2005, 11:12:22 PM
I don't think it was sold out. I got SRO cause the only way i can afford to see these shows are with the cheapest tickets and rush was all filled up. but even the standing room tickets weren't bad. back of the orchestra and we could see everything.
Brooklyn 1/15 Evening Review
 Jan 15 2005, 10:36:54 PM
Saw Brooklyn tonight with Standing room tickets. The first time i've seen shows two days in a row. I figured I should take advantage of free time before school starts next week. So I very much did not want to like this show. Don't ask why. I don't know. Maybe the whole american idol aura people have been giving it. So I went into the theater with not very high expectations. I must say the man at the box office wasn't very nice. Lots of attitude and screaming at people. Even some of the ushers we
re: Avenue Q 1/14
 Jan 15 2005, 12:46:37 AM
totally forgot to add this about the lottery. i've only done lottery for wicked several times and hairspray once. but the atmosphere for the lottery at avenue q is soooo different. at least tonight it wasn't threatening or filled with animosity that wicked is usually filled with. and no lines we had to stand behind. just thought it was interesting.
Avenue Q 1/14
 Jan 14 2005, 11:33:35 PM
i've been lurking on the board for quite some time but i saw avenue q tonight and must post a review. i decided to do the lottery on a complete whim tonight. my friend who was in town came to put her name in for me since she had plans tonight. her name got picked so i got to keep her ticket. walking into the theater, i hadn't realized just how close the front row was. i've seen wicked front row a few times but i felt like it wasn't as close. ANYWAYS. the only understudies were Angela Ai as Chris
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