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Profile for Elphaba Brice

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Member Name: Elphaba Brice
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re: A Little Night Music Revival (It's NOT what you're thinking)
 Apr 1 2007, 03:59:09 PM

re: A Little Night Music Revival (It's NOT what you're thinking)
 Apr 1 2007, 03:50:38 PM
Sweet! Sounds exciting!
re: Who else would see...
 Jan 30 2007, 10:46:15 PM
Depends, if someone wanted to seriously give it a crack, I'm all for it. But if somebody in a suit said, "Hmm, popular movie, musical time!!!! Somebody get on that", than I would rather take my little sister backstage at the Camelot tour.

Hey! Shut up! I'm your little sister dodo brain!

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