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Profile for TheatreDiva90016

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Member Name: TheatreDiva90016
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Theatrical Costuming Wigs, and Make-Up

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 Oct 24 2015, 02:55:56 AM

Thanks for joint the boards, Mr. Willis.

Theater in LA
 Sep 7 2015, 01:58:44 PM

DOMA"s production of Dreamgirls won al sorts of awards and I can't figure out why.  The production was so cheap looking.  You can google pictures of it and see for yourself. 

Thers also Glendale Center Theatre who put on good productions of some classics.  They are the oldest operating, family run theatre in So Cal.  Right now they are doing Guys and Dolls., and just closed 9 to 5.  


Another production ion that just opened and is

Is it possible to like Hamilton if you hate rap?
 Aug 8 2015, 06:48:25 PM

" You can't tell me that lines like

"Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge, I'm trying not to lose my head. It's like a jungle. Sometimes it makes me wonder, how I keep from going under." or

"I never sleep 'cause sleep is the cousin of death"

are not clever or art. "


Yes, I can.

Is it possible to like Hamilton if you hate rap?
 Aug 7 2015, 03:14:38 PM



Is it possible to like Hamilton if you hate rap?
 Aug 7 2015, 02:40:53 PM

Also, out here in CA, EVERY commercial break is showing the commercial for STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON, about the start of rap and NWA.  EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL BREAK.

So, I've been sick and tired of that...

Is it possible to like Hamilton if you hate rap?
 Aug 7 2015, 01:15:22 PM

Based upon what Taz, Addy and  Reginald is saying, I think I may go get the cast album.  


I won't be able to see it, unless I end up back in New York before it closes.  Which is very likely...

Is it possible to like Hamilton if you hate rap?
 Aug 7 2015, 04:55:20 AM

No, there are tickets available.

Will Hamilton become a cultural icon?
 Aug 6 2015, 05:00:17 PM

Congratulations.  Once it closes, lets see how many regional and community theatre want to do it...

"I'm glad you came to this conclusion just based off of a few videos online."

Yes, MANY videos and interviews.  And a bootleg.


It blows.  It's trying to be as hip as BLODDY, BLOODY ANDREW JACKSON and isn't coming close.

the birdcage as a modern musical
 Aug 6 2015, 04:45:28 PM



Will Hamilton become a cultural icon?
 Aug 5 2015, 07:18:27 PM

Just when I think I've seen it all, out comes another rapping 'musical'.


Sorry, from all of the video I've seen, I think it's dreadful.  The 'singing' blows, the choreography is terrible and why do a period piece if the only thing you keep in the period are the costumes?


Glad these hip hoppers are getting work, but give me a real musical with real singing and real dancing, and I'll be happy.

Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
 Aug 4 2015, 10:56:53 PM

This is how I like my Maleficent!


Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
 Aug 3 2015, 09:44:36 PM

"what r u, 60??! lol I am amazed by the stupidity...but oh well"


And I'm delighted by your spelling and use of the English language.

Spamalot at the Hollywood Bowl
 Aug 3 2015, 09:38:40 PM

"I always thought of Arthur as the straight man in Spamalot, so I didn't think Craig Robinson was miscast."


Then why cast a man who is hilarious and raunchy and not let him play it that way?  Comparing him to Tim Curry is like comparing apples to oranges.  Tim can play the royal part and still be funny, in his own 'Tim Curry' way.


" But the rest of the Bowl was empty."

I have a feeling the shows are losing mon

Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
 Aug 3 2015, 09:33:43 PM

"Oh btw plz feel free to block me!"


Why?  I get a good laugh out of your posts?



I hate when school is out and the kids fill the boards with their nonsense.

Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
 Aug 2 2015, 05:11:08 PM

You certainly act like it.


And, no, CouldBeWorse, you don't need qualifications to have an opinion.  But it helps, because ignorance is a waste of board space.

Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
 Aug 2 2015, 04:45:51 PM

"For people in this thread saying this is crap and questioning artistic choices etc, apparently you are not the target audience."

And you are?  So you must be about 12, considering your "blah blah blah" comment.


I'm a Disney fan and worked for them earlier in my life.  So, I can speak with some authority on anything Disney.


 What are your qualifications, ebontoyan?

Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
 Aug 2 2015, 04:22:31 AM

What a steaming pile of crap.


Rapping Be Our Guest?! 


This was just SO bad, I don't have the words to express it.

Spamalot at the Hollywood Bowl
 Aug 1 2015, 11:35:07 PM

I saw the dress rehearsal and thought he was oddly miscast.  He played it very stiff and 'royal'.  He voice worked and was fine.  But he wasn't given a chance to be funny, or didn't want to play it that way.


On the way out, all I heard were the parents who had brought their kids to the dress, trying to explain why the cursing, and other vulgar actions were not the way real people act.  I actually head one boy say to his mom, "Well, at least the

Valerie Harper IS NOT In a Coma, Source Says
 Jul 31 2015, 09:36:02 PM

"Geese can't the media leave some stars alone"


When Rhoda is starring in a show and is found unconscious backstage, of course the media is going to be interested.  I'd rather hear this story than another story about a mass shooting.


Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
 Jul 31 2015, 08:33:46 PM

Does hate watching it count? Because I would hate watch it SO HARD, and then hate myself in the morning and promise myself to never do it again.

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