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re: Ways to Improve the TONYS Jun 11
2007, 07:38:54 PM
As a TV broadcast, the Tony's would be better served to be broadcast live in all respective time zones so the many Broadway theatergoers who live west of the Hudson River don't have to watch something canned or have the suspense drained by announcements on the internet and live TV news reports. Also I agree with others who commented they like an MC. Hugh Jackman rocked my world and most of the audiences it seemed.
re: tony ratings from Variety Jun 11
2007, 07:18:57 PM
The Tony award results were posted and available on the web three hours before the Tony broadcast aired on the West Coast of the USA. It makes one ponder how decisions are made at CBS. It seems as if no consideration is given to the demographics of theatergoers residing west of the Hudson River.
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