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Profile for Carrie-or-Change2

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Member Name: Carrie-or-Change2
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Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
 Dec 11 2014, 12:46:49 PM
Snatched up a pass to an early screening last night thanks to a friend of a friend. No spoilers, I promise!

I'll begin by saying that this is a good film, and a very good adaptation. The art direction and costume design are beautifully done, and create a distinct atmosphere. The film never feels "stagy", which is often a problem in stage-to-screen adaptations.

The acting is quite good across the board, with a special shout out to Chris Pine for stealing every scene he's in. Th

If you could Supervise a Revisal...
 Aug 31 2014, 03:07:22 PM
The most frustrating thing for any theatre lover is watching a show fly off the rails and miss the mark. Perhaps it has a problematic book, or maybe there is a misplaced song, but either way, the show just isn't reaching its potential. Although the creative team could never pinpoint what was wrong, you feel that you could fix the problem with a few easy changes.

For example, although I know it will never be one of the great musicals, one of my favorite shows is Carrie. I'm still not ex

Most Misguided Interpretation You've Seen?
 Aug 25 2014, 09:46:45 AM
This can absolutely be a film or a regional production!

In my own experience, I saw a community theatre production of Shrek: The Musical where Fiona was split in two. One (very, very skinny) girl played "beautiful" Fiona, and the other girl (who was a bit heavier) played "Ogre" fiona. So apparently beauty ACTUALLY IS skin deep.

Most Misguided Interpretation You've Seen?
 Aug 24 2014, 11:06:38 PM
As we all know, many directors, after having really "dug deep" into a text, come up with a new spin on a classic show. If they're talented, this can make for a strong, even revelatory production. On the other hand, if the director is not up to the task, their choices seem utterly absurd.

What's the strangest/most wrong-headed production of a show that you've seen?

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