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Honeymoon in Vegas Reviews
 Jan 31 2015, 02:03:42 AM
Again, I apologize if you are finding any aggression in my comments. I'm using "thin skin" to mean these things affect some more readily than others, there is no judgement attached. To respond to the other post as well, I am using "token" just because it was used before, I don't find the parts to be tokenized (word?) at all. I do hope this clears up anything and lets you read the rest of my comment without thinking I'm here to get anyone.
Honeymoon in Vegas Reviews
 Jan 31 2015, 01:49:05 AM
I'm not here to negate other opinions, just to say that there are POCs with skin thicker than others. (not to say one thing is better than another) I mean listen, from what I see and hear of these actors online, they have no issues portraying the parts they have or singing the songs they have/get to sing. Personally, I can't stick up for them and say a show deserves to close because they're getting this "awful" opportunity to be onstage.

Of course the storyline is bonkers and sexist,

Honeymoon in Vegas Reviews
 Jan 31 2015, 01:25:18 AM
as a POC I found nothing wrong with the token characters in the show. The actors were given material and excelled in selling it to the audience. They're probably feeling grateful to have material to perform, even as token characters. As a POC performer, I can tell you that as "real" as west side story is, it's us sharks who still spend most of the show offstage while there's 6 white guys who have lines and only 3 of us that sort of do.
Why does the witch have to climb Rapunzel's hair?
 Jan 31 2015, 01:00:26 AM
She climsb the hair because in the original story she climbs the hair. She does it. It's funny. Get a grip.
LES MIS Announces New Leads for Second Year on Broadway; Plus Tony Nominee Ramin Karimloo Extends!
 Jan 31 2015, 12:59:15 AM
And you thought it was a better option to be rude than to connect the dots, we get it.
Honeymoon in Vegas Reviews
 Jan 16 2015, 05:07:04 PM
Ah yes, the well-meaning wish to put professionals out of work. You astound me.
Honeymoon in Vegas Reviews
 Jan 16 2015, 03:40:28 PM
What I don't understand is how else a character who is from somewhere else can be played without any of you jumping up and down to call an accent or a portrayal racist. The actor of color is the one up there, probably using incredible amounts of talent to marry what perhaps a white male writer is looking for and what they are comfortable and able to play.

I'm a hispanic male and unlike most of my family I don't sport a crazy ridiculous accent. If I was asked to do one for a role I woul

Bruce Bechdel suicide
 Dec 30 2014, 03:12:41 AM
Exactly, Blaxx, nowhere in that press release is suicide mentioned, unlike right here in the title of this post. The title of the post of course being something basically anyone visiting the front page of this website can see while we're still here commenting.
Bruce Bechdel suicide
 Dec 30 2014, 02:51:57 AM
Wow, thanks for that.
No more Giants. Waging war.
 Dec 27 2014, 01:55:15 AM
The happy day meaning Happily Ever After. The baker sort of realizes that there's no such thing, he just has to move on. You can't just be happy and ignore all of those bad thing you did to get there.
Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
 Dec 27 2014, 01:07:12 AM
Add me to the others that found no faults with this adaptation. Having sung No More onstage in two different production in my teens and loving the song more than anyone I know, I can tell you that to give a character we've never met a BALLAD in the last third of a movie with 20 characters is just about the worst idea ever.

I thought Mauzy and Magnussen reminded me of Anthony and Johanna in Sweeney. They live and it doesn't make the story any less tragic. Either way Sweeney and the Witc

Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
 Dec 18 2014, 07:15:50 AM
I think you, sir or madam, in general tend to miss the idea that performance arts tend to change based on the collaboration at hand. Things will always be different with different actors, different directors, different mediums. It doesn't make it right or wrong, it just makes it different. You saying there is only one way to sing one line in a number makes me think you've been spending a lot of time liking something you don't truly understand. I mean that sincerely.

People in the threa

My review of Disney's
 Oct 28 2014, 03:46:01 AM
Made of Stone is still in.
Gargoyles are out.

First Listen: Josh Kaufman in PIPPIN
 Oct 28 2014, 03:40:04 AM
There's comments someone can make for a laugh and then there's some of the stuff up here. I joined these boards years ago under another name and left because of crude things had become. I know we all have opinions, I myself don't think he's that exciting, but we don't need to put down others to make that point clear.

HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews
 Oct 27 2014, 04:59:03 PM

the link is to a sort of online guide for the production, there's a cast list and a song list. From the looks of it, no three sidekick Gargoyles and their song has been cut. There's also a bunch of other characters. Frollo is no longer a judge and there's some other production notes in an interview near the end. Enjoy!

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