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Member Name: EddieGoing
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re: The 'Du Crew/fANADu's (XANADU Fans Unite!)
 Sep 25 2008, 05:38:22 PM
drama RAMA :)
Xanadu Closing Video
 Sep 25 2008, 02:28:13 PM
drama RAMA >:)
re: The 'Du Crew/fANADu's (XANADU Fans Unite!)
 Sep 24 2008, 03:56:28 PM
drama RAMA :)
Xanadu Closing Video
 Sep 24 2008, 02:42:12 PM
drama RAMA


Xanadu Closing Video
 Sep 24 2008, 01:12:59 PM
All good things must come to an end. It's a good thing it's not gone forever. Here's a video I made combining 2 of the "Strange Magic" versions. One by Darren Hayes (of Savage Garden) & the one from the Xanadu Broadway Soundtrack.

-Eddie Going

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Mar 6 2008, 03:45:47 PM
...only if we can do it while wearing rollerskates and legwarmers


'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Mar 6 2008, 01:10:28 PM
:) well, i'm entirely confident that the hands of fate will have us meet some day. sweet.

p.s. jackie's ad-lib is consistently being left out the past few times i've seen it!

although last night, before she said, "i'm already hither"..she did sort of joke about a man in the 3rd row who was taking a while to get to his seat. it was pretty comical. the fact that he was hooked up to a breathing device made it difficult for some of us to laugh @ him ... but it was all done in good fun

gotta love Jackie Hoffman

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Mar 6 2008, 12:47:02 PM
woooahh! man! :)

well, i wasn't going anyway ... but thanks for sort of uninviting me. that's really nice. aww man, what is happening here? oh well :)

anyway ... i think boys' night out is a great idea, and a great way to make the show more well-known. everyone that i bring almost Always goes back for more.

i also like the idea of a sing-a-long @ Xanadu. but, that can prove to have complications and the details would need to be sorted out. but, it's nothing that the th

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Mar 6 2008, 11:31:32 AM
'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Mar 5 2008, 05:38:05 PM
...and in regards to how crowded the student rush has been ... there has only been One instance when I got there at 9:30 and 2 people were ahead of me. So I think you're safe if you get there at around the same time :)

Hope that helps

-Eddie Going

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Mar 5 2008, 05:35:10 PM
Heyy idinster, I've done the student rush a few times and it's pretty easy! Show up at 9:30/9:45ish. The theater opens at 10:00am. You must have cash ($25/ticket) and a college ID as well as an ID with your date of birth (you have to be under 25). And then you're done.

Keep in mind, sometimes the seats are on-stage, sometimes they're in orchestra. I've ONLY had good seats with the student rush.

Oh, and JenniferLynn, thanks for the sweet message. I can't write back to you as your profile is set to not receive PMs. Message Heard LOUD AND CLEAR

Seeing the show tonight! Super-psyched, as always :)
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of such a great thread!!

-Eddie Going

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 24 2008, 11:19:49 PM
well, Robbie, clearly you misunderstood my previous post and have ASSumed it was about you. never did i claim it was. it was you that made that presumptuous error.

and, regarding any "PMs" about this matter, i'd like to gracefully refrain from having a private discussion about a thread with the aforementioned title. as it would be gayer than gay to have a debate regarding this play, Xanadu

i Love the show. will remain a huge fan for as long as i'd like. i call it like i see it. if you've interpreted my posts in some distorted way and want to make them out to be claims and accusations towards you, then that's your prerogative. you're free to do, say, and post what you'd like. especially because you're the creator of this thread - as many "fanadus" have been quick to remind me in PMs :) -

in any event, r e l a x.

i won't be pushed away by any accusations made towards me as i am highly above that - and i think it's been made clear in my few past posts.

and "jesus christ," if this is seriously going to become a cat fight on the xanadu thread on, then it would be the first cat fight in the history of my life, and i'd be severely embarrassed of it's chosen venue.


no need to even respond.

p.s. you're welcome to those who are getting a GD kick out of this


'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 24 2008, 10:48:37 PM
glad i reminded you of that video, "WonderRobbie" - but no, I wasn't referring to that video of you and your friend Jen - but thanks for posting it as I've found it to be quite ... interesting ... and comical. :)

Nope, that's not the video I was referring to though. But good of you to be observant and making another attempt to making this thread about "WonderRobbie".

Great video :)

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 24 2008, 10:12:30 PM
yeah...because god knows that's not the only person to stalk/follow Cheyenne - i recall quite a few youtube videos being displayed of a few people openly admitting to the fact that they stalk cheyenne. yiiiKes. get a hold of yourselves.

in any event, the line must be drawn somewhere.

with that said, the reason i am posting tonight is because my nephew CANNOT STOP singing the few lines he remembers from "i'm alive" and "xanadu" - it's quite funny. it's even got my grandmother jealous! she wishes she was with us when we saw the show last night.

i made a copy of the cast recording for my family members and my nephew keeps putting those 2 songs on repeat! he's HOOKED!

-Eddie Going

seeing it again on wednesday, on stage - hope to see some "fanadus" there !!

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 24 2008, 01:39:39 PM
Congrats again Andrew! It was nice to officially meet you yesterday. My nephew loved the show. Keeps singing Xanadu over and over. Looks like we've got another fan hooked.

And Margaret had your card on the seat next to us. My nephew tried to grab it! Haha! That was very sweet of them.

FYI: DO NOT bring someone under 10 to sit on stage. I didnt know this before and didnt think it would be an issue but apparently it is. The ushers were radioing each other like the CIA. Pretty comical. They were nice enough to let it slide. And my nephew not only had an incredible time, but he was well behaved.

P.S. My newest favorite usher quote, which ive heard the past few times ive sat on stage: "don't use the ramps or you'll probably get killed" hahaha. Yeah.


'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 19 2008, 09:37:18 PM
ha ha ha - it's a quote from the wizard of oz that Sonny Malone references in xanadu. remember now?

"people come and go so quickly here"

i altered it b/c someone in the rafters was messing with the spotlight


'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 19 2008, 09:24:47 PM
"people change topics so quickly here"

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 19 2008, 08:35:29 PM
check this out - my best friend is loving the show! :)

it's always pretty brave to post videos of ourselves on youtube :)

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 15 2008, 09:09:55 AM
Oh yes, I understand what u mean - a second night has been added on! I'm seeing the show again on the 27th, so unfortunately, i won't be at "boys night out" - but here is the info that was passed to me:

Boys Night at Xanadu sold out - announcing added date - only $69 -
> with post show party
> is pleased to bring you an added date for our
> February theatre outing:
> Tickets are now available
> DU

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Feb 15 2008, 02:08:44 AM
yeah the show was incredible tonight as usual! and our pink and red glowsticks to make it a signature valentine's show :)

consistently amazing performances, show after show.

rumor also has it that "boys night at xanadu" is sold out! and another day has been added on! ha ha ha

hope everyone's doing well. i always enjoy reading some of these posts. they make me smile
-Eddie Going

p.s. Hi Linda

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