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Profile for AmicusJusticiae

Member Name: AmicusJusticiae
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re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
 Nov 14 2009, 06:01:51 PM
>>out - my first post was meant humorously - hence the smiley face.

Your first post was full of sarcasm and disdain, which was not masked by the smiley face.

>>It wasn't attacking someone personally,

You called the poster out by name, that made it personal

>>>It's typical Internet behavior.

As.... is.... yours.

>>I put a link so people could see for themselves and I added that they should join in if they felt like it.

Just as you

re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
 Nov 14 2009, 01:04:47 AM
>>>Do you post on Bruce's board or just lurk Amicus?

I read it. There's some good info there, I don't deny it.

I do not post there, because what could I say? "Hey, BK, your blogs are drivel. ; )"

Of course, the smiley face would show everyone in general and BK in particular that I'm just joking and he isn't to be offended by my comments. And I'm sure he wouldn't be.

Still, since I don't have anything nice to say there, I feel it's best if I don't say anyth

re: NINE - 'Cinema Italiano' on ET 11/12
 Nov 13 2009, 09:02:32 PM
In the interest of full disclosure, Jaynrand is a friend of BKs and BK requested that he come here and make a post in defense of BK.

Meantime, what was really happening here? A group of people were talking about Nine amongst themselves, quite happily, then BK comes along and makes fun of one of the posters. But that guy shoudln't get mad. After all, he used a smiley face to show he was only joking! But because the guy did get mad, oh, no, BK must round up the troops....and he couldn't a

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