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re: When will 'Cats' be revived? Nov 16
2007, 04:46:52 PM
While I agree that "Cats" may not be a deep and meaningful theatrical experience, I still found it entertaining and enjoyable. It also has a very nostalgic characteristic that takes you back to being a kid again. Although, that may just be a purely generational feeling (i.e. seeing it for the first time as a kid?). I don't think EVERY show on Broadway should be full of philosophical undertones and political/social commentary. Sometimes I just want a big ol' hoopla of over-the-top fluff and spect
re: Worst performances you've seen Nov 16
2007, 04:28:17 PM
Victoria Matlock in Wicked Tour (2007) Kendra Kassebaum in Wicked Tour (2006) Yes, I have seen other shows besides Wicked lol These are just the worst performances that have stuck in my head.
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