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Profile for tenaciOUs b

Member Name: tenaciOUs b
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re: Questions for Local One members
 Nov 13 2007, 04:52:30 PM
Well, watching the youtube news conference took awhile and sadly, didn't help much. It was kind of a cross between a White House press confrence and a pep rally (ie keep the base happy).

"We've compromised on 9 or 10 things", "They just want more and more." Even the local president had a chance to be specific and chose not to do so.

If the contract is basically 100+ years old (I'm assuming with admentments), then there has to be quite a bit of archaic stuff in it. Just like

re: Questions for Local One members
 Nov 13 2007, 03:55:56 PM
I have googled it, I have'd it. All I find are generalities from the producer's point of view and whining generalities from the union's point of view.

re: Questions for Local One members
 Nov 13 2007, 03:44:06 PM
I didn't say I would provide either type of sandwich. The costs would be too high either way.

I must assume however that since not a single valid demand has been listed that there are none. The writers have a valid demand and have made it known what gives with the stage hands?

re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
 Nov 13 2007, 03:40:03 PM
I am an indepenent liberal who is not impressed with local 1 at this time. If the strike is going on a week from now, that may turn to hate. I believe they have a right to strike, but there darned well better be a good reason for it. If there was a good reason, I think it would be easy to win the PR war. I have not heard any such reason.

I do approve of the writers reason for their strike.


re: Questions for Local One members
 Nov 13 2007, 03:24:52 PM
"And either way the strike continues, whether you think the points are valid or not. So the making of a list will have no bearing on the strike, nor will a change in your opinion one way or the other. So, there's NO point in making a list."

Did you read the paragraph you responded to? I am coming to NY regardless. I will be walking by picketers. They will deserve either a corned beef sandwich or a knuckle sandwich. Which is it and WHY?

re: Questions for Local One members
 Nov 13 2007, 03:12:12 PM
Let's see...

I assume by "sock puppet" you mean a mouth for the producer's side. Sorry, not only wrong, but the name calling implies that the facts are not on your side.

"What's the point of making a list?" The point is that if the reasons are valid, then I can't hold it against local 1. If they are invalid, then the members of local 1 are thieves in my eyes.

As for what I can find online, i have found very little of substance from either side. There's history of t

re: Questions for Local One members
 Nov 13 2007, 02:35:07 PM
So...I'm back from lunch and what do I find? Nothing. No specifics.

I am not questioning the morals of the producers. I doubt they have many. I am questioning the validity of the strikers motives. The producers being big and bad is not good enough. If that is the best you can come up with, then I must assume that my vacation has been ruined by YOUR greed.

So, I ask once again. What are the specifics of your demands that outweigh the time and money and effort that has b

Questions for Local One members
 Nov 13 2007, 12:57:12 PM
Preface (so you know my bias):

I am part of a group theater trip traveling to NYC next week to see a number of shows. Most of those going are college students. Many hours of work have gone into planning the trip. Airline tickets are non-refundable and it is a situation that does not allow rescheduling.

It is highly unlikely that anyone in the group of 44, adults included, earn even the low figures being passed around as to the starting salary of a stagehand.

I under

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