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Member Name: Marie-Cris
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re: Anthony Warlow in POTO
 Mar 30 2008, 12:41:37 AM
I noticed a couple of you are crying out for a cast recording; I believe we're in the same boat.

I'm running the Phantom of the Opera Australian Cast Recording and / or Filmed Stage Performance Petition (Starring Anthony Warlow) at my AW fan forum, Unexpected Song: Celebrating the Life of Anthony Warlow (( - I'd link the title but I'm not sure what coding this message board uses)). It's been running for 180 days and has 641 signatures; four of these include cast members Simon Pryce, Nadia Komazac, John Bowles and Ana Marina. We also have Anthony Warlow's support. While he may not be able to put his name down at the moment ((it's far too early)) he has assured me he will do what he can ((when he can, of course)) in aid of the petition ((research of the past petition, et cetera)). He wants this to happen just as much as we do.

If you are interested in signing, please drop by Unexpected Song ((which Anthony Warlow has seen, actually; and a lot of random people have been coming up to him and telling him about it)), look for the "Phantom of the Opera A.C.R. + Film Petition" thread ((it's an announcement, so you can pick any board and find it at the top with the other subboards)). I will be opening Unexpected Song to guest posters from the 1st of April until the 1st of May ((in honour of Unexpected Song's 2nd birthday on April 20th)), so if you do not wish to register you can guest post between these dates. Alternatively you can reply with your name here and I will add it to the petition.

Now that I've advertised, let me leave with these last thoughts: I have seen him perform in Phantom - twice ((seen the show three times; had Simon Pryce for my third)). I have met Anthony Warlow - twice. And on the second night, as we said our goodbyes, he gave me a lingering kiss on my cheek.

Isn't he darling?

~ Marie-Cris
- Main Administrator of Unexpected Song: Celebrating the Life of Anthony Warlow.

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