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Profile for Primrose804

Member Name: Primrose804
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2015-2016 season shows
 Feb 5 2015, 10:58:20 PM
Shows that I know are on the theatre owners' lists (but who knows how far up or down they are on those lists....) are "Forum...", "Tuck Everlasting", "Diner" (possibly after they make some revisions from their out-of-town tryout), "Can Can", "Top Hat", "Let's Get the Band Back Together", "Amazing Grace" (although after "Allegiance" announcing they are going to broadway next season they may wait. Both shows although different time periods, both are about a struggling race in a historic time peri
HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
 Feb 2 2015, 11:51:29 PM
Hi everyone!
I have never written a post on any message board here EVER so please be patient with me.....! I have been reading a ton of these threads as of late. Some of which I find quite entertaining, ha! And I will tell you why:
I am a part of 3 different shows that all are "broadway bound". All 3 of them have different time lines but all have had workshops and 2 shows have had out-of-town tryouts/workshops/readings in the past few years. The reason I am responding on this th

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