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Member Name: mckeon232
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MISERY Previews
 Oct 24 2015, 10:25:01 AM


MISERY Previews
 Oct 24 2015, 03:14:59 AM

Thank you, it's great to be on here. It's fun to read some of your wrong opinions about my very good performance.

MISERY Previews
 Oct 23 2015, 10:52:09 AM

Good performance from Willis or not, this production was incredibly entertaining and Metcalf deserves a Tony Award for her performance or at least a nomination.

MISERY Previews
 Oct 23 2015, 10:03:34 AM

I'm just saying if he was going on crazy verbal rants, and screaming and carrying on, it would have been a very unrealistic performance because there is no way someone who is that weak, and facing that much pain would have the energy to do that.

MISERY Previews
 Oct 23 2015, 09:44:37 AM

Also , the final showdown, where Willis is trying to beat the crap out of Metcalf looked like plenty of rage to me.

MISERY Previews
 Oct 23 2015, 09:38:06 AM

Actually no, not if I was getting tortured and getting my ankles smashed by a sledgehammer. I wouldn't have the strength. Also if you look at the film, James Caan gave a pretty similar performance. 

MISERY Previews
 Oct 23 2015, 09:09:41 AM

Im new to this board, and last night I was at the show, so I decided to post my thoughts. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. This was terrifying and thrilling and does every bit of justice to the original film and the book. I also disagree with you guys 100 percent about Bruce Willis's performance. He gave a very good and realistic performance. Yes he did mess up some lines, but so did Metcalf, and since it's just the first preview I'm sure that will be fixed. 

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