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Member Name: Jo Jo Mandingo
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re: Wicked- Why the Hatred?
 Oct 1 2004, 04:58:33 PM
What is a shill? I'm assuming someone paid to hype a show? Is that for real?? How do they do it? Stand on the street and talk to strangers?

Naw, I just love the damn show.

Yeah robbiej, I goofed, got the title wrong. Gee that totally ruins my whole argument. What an IDIOT I must be ... seriously, dude. Childish. Stop making me ill.

Ick. If that's the best response you can muster, this isn't even worth it.

And Passion is brilliance personified. The

re: Wicked- Why the Hatred?
 Oct 1 2004, 04:26:20 PM
wow, "wonderful", "impressed", "moved" and "thrilling" ... and yet you were dissapointed. You liked the book (of the musical), you liked the acting, but, hey, it's Wicked, you know? Only dorks admit they like it, right?

Yes dear, I'm well versed in the rudimentary mechanics of writing for the modern stage musical, how Sondheim perfected the R & H advancements of integrating plot-driven songs with the story line to bring the state of the art out of Vaudeville and into the 20th Century.

re: Wicked- Why the Hatred?
 Oct 1 2004, 03:37:40 PM
Weelllllll, I don' star in shows, but I DO write them, 6 in fact (4 touring Hasty Pudding Theatricals, 1 out of town success, one off-off B'way failure.)

I'm EXTREMELY familiar with Mr. Schwartz's work, in fact, have had the liberty to spend several wonderful days working beside him at his home while he was workshopping THE BAKER'S WIFE.

WICKED is some of his best effort to date. And I'm not going to discuss the merits of his music writing prowess with an ACTOR. You have issu

re: Wicked- Why the Hatred?
 Oct 1 2004, 01:24:16 PM
O.K., I'm Wicked bored (up here in Boston, we say Wicked alot, it's wicked cold, the Sox are Wicked hot right now, etc.)

I'm over it. Last word from me ... teh show's phenomenal success is it's truest justification. period. if it were a bad show, it would have closed long, long ago.

Now, I'm losing my mind over the POTO Movie thread. Patrick Wilson????? OMG, I'm swooning (did y'all see him in HBO's Angels? Naked on the Beach??) Minnie Driver, Miranda Richardson .... omg, o

re: Wicked- Why the Hatred?
 Oct 1 2004, 12:55:21 PM
One of the reason's I'm so impressed with the stage musical is how vastly IMPROVED it is over the book, which, though impressive, I found rambling, disorganized, disjointed and frustrative. McGuire seemed to take pleasure at missing connections, dropping threads that go nowhere, introducing characters only to drop them ... and worst of all, amost ALL the action occurs BETWEEN chapters .... very odd.

I marvel at how the authors of the stage musical where able to coalesce the plot, tight

re: Wicked- Why the Hatred?
 Oct 1 2004, 12:29:39 PM
Sweetie, it IS a great show. A unique, fresh, innovative, creative, entertaining, stylish, plot-driven, tuneful, memorable and admirable show. Amateur composers the world over would give their Left Nut to write anything half as worthy. Try it. TRY to write a show. TRY to write clever, meaningful lyrics. TRY writing memorable tunes ... before you dare condescend to a master at the peak of his form.

I think the Bashing is the same phenomenon coined by the hip-hop community: "Haters

re: Weirdest Show ever done by a high school
 Aug 31 2004, 02:00:15 PM
Thoughts? Thoughts??? You make me fear for the future of the art.

"as a collegic theatrical (I love that term) I've meet tons of people who gasp at the idea of doing anything above "Guys and Dolls" (As much as I think it's adorable.)"

... huh?

You are a "collegic theatrical"? "tons of people"? "gasp at the idea?" Do you have any idea how difficult/painful it is to read your post?

Mixed metaphores, split-infinitives, more misspellings than I could count

re: A New One---Cleverest Lyric
 Aug 31 2004, 09:19:02 AM
Hand's down, "Into the Woods" has some of the best ...

Everyone tells tiny lies
What's important, really, is the size.
Only three more tries
and we'll have our prize
when the end's in sight you'll realize,
if the end is right
it justifies the beans.

- Maybe They're Magic

He's a very smart Prince,
He's a Prince who prepares.
Knowing this time I'd run from him,
He spread pitch on the stairs.
I was caught unawares.

I'm with judy in disguise...
 Jul 19 2004, 10:48:57 AM
Check out this link for a discussion of the Wizrd of Oz musical references .... with a reply from the composer himself:

re: Wicked's Hidden References
 Jul 16 2004, 03:51:33 PM
Some of my best friends are married.

I have a brother who's married. We love him just the same.

re: Wicked's Hidden References
 Jul 16 2004, 03:48:34 PM
re: Wicked's Hidden References
 Jul 16 2004, 03:42:03 PM
Please, forgive me for being indelicate (not to mention embarassingly naive) but I was more surprised to hear he has a son ... an up-and-coming director, right?

I always assumed he was, well ... you know, "different". On the bus, so to speak, with the rest of us boys in the band.

Is it time for me to adjust my gaydar? Maybe it was just wishfull thinking ...

I couldn't care less if he wears a rug LOL

re: Wicked's Hidden References
 Jul 16 2004, 03:24:48 PM
Right on, Magic, I hear that too.

I understand there's a musical reference in the underscoring during the show (not on the CD) to Miss Gulch's "Bike Riding Theme"

... you know, that evil little tune during the movie you hear when Miss Gulch is riding on her bicycle?

re: Wicked's Hidden References
 Jul 16 2004, 02:13:06 PM
Same notes, same melody - we're not talking key, we're talking intervals.

pick a note, up an octave, down a second, down to the 5th, then step wise back up to the octave.

(for Sound of Music fans): do, do, ti, sol, la, ti, do


"some where o...ver the rain bow"

Does that help?

Wicked's Hidden References
 Jul 16 2004, 01:49:38 PM
Word is out that Schwartz hid a number of sly and clever references to the 1939 musical in his score. Die hard fans probably already know this, but for those who don't, here's the biggest "homage":

The 7 notes which make up "Unlimited, my future" are the same 7 notes (in an altered rhythm) of "Somewhere over the rainbow"

Anybody else?

re: Wicked Obsessed - Do I Need Help?
 Jul 16 2004, 01:43:27 PM
Why in the world did you just randomly throw out a bunch of spoilers? What was your point? Every example you give only highlights how confusing and convoluted the book is - not necessarily how much "Better" the book is. I respect your opinion, I just don't get your argument.

Yes, the slippers Turtle Heart crafted are Silver, but Nessa's father turns them "multicolored". Why not just make them RUBY? And, as I said, as a plot device, it makes more sense to have Nessa's legs impaired

re: RENT has much to celebrate!
 Jul 16 2004, 12:49:05 PM
Ah - perhaps you should have spelled it "Bootee" (then again, perhaps you should have spelled it "runner-up" or "finalist")

"Botee" sounds like a robot

re: Wicked Obsessed - Do I Need Help?
 Jul 16 2004, 11:26:31 AM
Yeah, yeah, yer right ... Gregory not Peter. I was too busy (lazy) to look it up.

I DID enjoy the book. It was deeper, more philosophical than the musical has the ability to be. I was particularly struck by the ending in which Elphaba becomes increasingly convinced that Dorothy is her missing "soul", her "goodness", come to hunt her down and claim her ... and the water dousing as the Baptism that does her in.

But wasn't Winnie Holtzman clever to connect Fiero and Boq to ...

Wicked Obsessed - Do I Need Help?
 Jul 16 2004, 10:33:26 AM
What's wrong with me?

(preface - Brand new to this board. I don't live in NYC, I get all my B-Way Theatre on tour, and though an ardent life-long student, participant & supplicant of the medium, don't keep abreast of the very latest ... but I think that's about to change ... )

I first heard about Wicked sometime last year and dismissed it. I glanced at the TV briefly during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day (or was it on New Year's?) parade and saw "the cast of Wicked" lip-syncing,

re: Lyrics or lines that made you cringe!
 Jul 15 2004, 06:07:11 PM
and there's this one word in "Magic to Do" from Pippin that no matter where you breathe or how you try to say the darn thing it always comes out as two words - i think it's "journey, journey to a spot eh-exciting, mystic and exotic..."



Are you serious??????

For the luv a ....

"Journey t

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