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re: You Know It's Community Theatre When... Mar 11
2009, 10:17:11 PM
When the term "open auditions" also means anyone can watch and it doesn't matter how small the room is. When a song is added to a classic show that has nothing to do with the character or show or even scene it is in. When people have not done any shows outside this one company. When the audiance can hear cast members speak a made-up language backstage because they forgot their mike was on. When in West Side Story the Tony shouts "Yes!" backstage after "Something's Coming" because
re: You Know It's Community Theatre When... Mar 9
2009, 09:46:11 PM
When a news team does a story on your theatre company because for their current show they have a cast of 90. But what the news team doesn't know is 90 is pretty small for your theatre company and that they have had a cast of 120 before. And that same show with a cast of 90 was written for six characters and was expanded so that there was four different chorus groups, each with unique names, and about twenty seperate solos. Believe it or not it turned out well!
re: Anastasia Jul 23
2008, 06:25:22 PM
I believe that Anastasia should be on broadway. They can edit a few things, adapt it to the stage, fix some historical inacuracies, and maybe add a few more songs. I always though it should be on broadway and it was my favorite movie when I was little. But I also agree that there should be a musical about the Romanovs. The can center it around Anastasia if they wish (That would draw more people) and end with their deaths (In a very dramatic broadway way!). Or act 2 can center around An
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